Episode 29

June 26, 2022


Episode 29 - Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

Episode 29 - Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 29 - Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

Jun 26 2022 | 00:38:41


Show Notes

Discussion of 1 Corinthinians 2: 1-2

 1 Corinthians 2 - NIV

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Episode Transcript

Tim 00:00:07 Hello, and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts. Ajai, mark, and Tim three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you enjoy today's discussion. Let's dive right in. Hello and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts. Jay mark, and Tim, we took a couple of weeks off, but we're back Mark. We took two weeks off while you welcomed your first grand baby into the world. And my understanding is mother and child are doing well. Mark 00:00:41 They're doing great. And we've had a lot of letters. People not believing that I'm old enough to have a grandchild because of my youthful appearance. <laugh> What a blessing it is. when you're baby, for those who haven't had that experience, when your baby has a baby, it's just a wonderful thing. And I think there's really, there's a profoundness. And I think a picture of God's love for us. Obviously we've talked about, our sonship and daughtership in Christ and being heirs and co-heirs, but you can't explain to somebody the love of a father for a child. I think it can only be experienced. And what's sweet about it is even for people that don't have children, we experience that in our love with, with our father through the Lord Jesus Christ. So I'm just, just very excited about my daughter, understanding how much I love her now because she, how much she loves her baby. So Tim 00:01:44 Isn't that amazing. And that's just a mirror darkly to how our father in heaven loves us. Right? Mark 00:01:49 Absolutely. Just a drop in, in the ocean of love that he has for us. Like kill Lord. Tim 00:01:57 Ajai's too young to experience the grandchild phase yet, but, he'll catch up. He'll catch. Ajai 00:02:02 Yeah. I'm not in a hurry. <laugh> Mark 00:02:04 We, we included him in the NBA to reach the younger crowd, high schoolers and you know, people just thought, gosh, <laugh> Tim 00:02:13 So guys, it's great to get back together. And we've got a topic tonight that I have titled Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I, we chose that because, well, in my opinion, this is the distillation of the entire true gospel that we've been teaching. Since we started five words, Jesus Christ and him crucified. And we take this from, first Corinthians chapter two, the first two verses, which if you'll bear with me, I'll read, I'm gonna read this from the amplified version. It says. And when I came to you, brothers and sisters proclaiming to you, the testimony of God concerning salvation through Christ, I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom, no lofty words of eloquence or of philosophy as a Greek orator might do for, I made the decision to know nothing that is too far go philosophical or theological discussion regarding inconsequential things and opinions while among you, except Jesus Christ in him crucified and the meaning of his redemptive, substitutionary death and his resurrections in those two verses in those five words, there's nothing about us. Kind of goes back to the, podcast, a couple of episodes where we talked about mono monism and the synergism. It's not about us. It's about God. It's not about the law. It's not about our behavior. There's only Jesus Christ and him crucified. I just, like I said, I couldn't have put that in less, better words ever. So guys, what do you think? Mark 00:03:52 Well, I could not imagine another five words that are so packed with power and life change and transformation and the spirit of God. It's just a wonderful refining of really the entire Bible, the entire gospel, the entire plan of God. If I might, Tim, I'd like to quickly read the NIV version and just make a few comments on it. So in the, I like that amplified version a lot too though. but here's for another little angle on it. So this is the apostle Paul writing into the Corinthians. He says. And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom. As I proclaimed to you, the testimony about God for, I resolved to know nothing while I was with you, except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling my message. And my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God's power. And I, I think I might have shared this quite a while ago, but one of the first times I was ever asked by a church to come and guess preach and preach the gospel on a Sunday, I was nervous about it. So I turned to the scripture to try to learn something from Paul on preaching and on first glance hair, I was like, oh great, thanks Paul. Now I not only have to preach, but I have to demonstrate the Spirit's power. Like, oh boy, Mr. Holier than thou. I really, I really gotta somehow bring up the spirit and do miracles here. But then as I realized, as I look at this closer, apostle Paul, first of all, he's talking about himself, what does he say about himself basically saying, it's not about myself. He says, he's not coming with eloquence. He's not coming with human wisdom. He said, in fact, I'm coming in weakness with great and fear, trembling and trembling. But then he says my message and my preaching or with a demonstration of the Spirit's power. So I love that because he's already told us what his message and his preaching were. It's those five words that Tim mom prescribed for us, Jesus Christ and him crucified. And the Postle. Paul also said that he was not ashamed of this gospel because it was the power of God. And you see the word power being used twice here by Paul, as he explains that he said this way, when we rest our faith on Jesus Christ and him crucified, our faith rests on God's power, Paul says, and it's just so beautiful that that is the message of God's grace. And I I've heard it said so many times, if you ever doubt, God's love for you. Don't look at your circumstances. Look at the cross. It's the most perfect picture, of God's love for us. And it is the gospel. It boils down to that. The grace of God is the cross. So perfect. So perfect. The apostle Paul, it, Paul called it God's gospel the gospel of God, not the gospel of God, the gospel belonging to God, Jesus Christ and him crucified is so woven into God's essence that, you know, when the Bible tells us to contemplate the Lord's glory, it's contemplating Jesus Christ and him crucified. Ajai 00:07:54 Amen. Amen, mark. You know, in fact, one thing that struck me is Paul said, you know, while I am with you, I decided not to know anything except Christ and crucified. So it's very interesting because, you know, ma Paul he's one of the most learner men, even before he came to Christ, he sat at the foot of Gaal and, he called himself the pharacy of Pharisees. So he knew so many things and he could talk about so many things, but he said, while I'm with you, I have decided not to know anything but Christ and him crucified. So if he doesn't know anything else, obviously cannot talk about anything else, but Christ and him crucified. So we can also, you know, derive from this, that while he was among the church of Corinth while he was there, all he talked about is Christ and him crucified. And like you said, mark, you know, that's where the power is, right? So we could talk about so many things. We could talk about so many interesting stories and we could come up with illustrations and examples and try to make it interesting, but there is no power there, even though we are not eloquent, even though, you know, there is, we, you know, struggle for words. But when we talk about Christ and in Cru word, the Lord, Jesus Christ, there is power in that message. So I want to kind of go back along the same lines. You know, since we are talking about power, just one chapter before from starting from verse 18, now I'm reading an IV mark <laugh>. So <laugh> for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God for it is written. I will destroy the wisdom of the vice, the intelligence of the intelligence I'll frustrate. Where is the vice person? Where is a teacher of the law? Where is a philosopher of this age, has not, God made foolish the wisdom of this world for, since in the wisdom of God, the world through its wisdom, did not know him. God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe Jews, demand, signs, and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preached Christed crucified his stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to Gentiles. But to those whom God has called both Jew and Greeks Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. So again, you know, here we see that, you know, the whole wisdom of God also is, compressed into this single event, which is across, you know, Christ being crucified is the wisdom of God. Nobody could have figured out, figured it out, right. You know, that is actually the difference between, Christianity and every other religion. Every other religion has a law. Every other religion has a sense of morality. And every other religion has a sense of obligation to the creator. And every other religion has a sense of, okay, if you sin, if you do wrong, you know, it is just to punish the wrong do, and it is just to save the innocent. But what other religions lack is the cross from that? You know, we can also say the other religions do not have the power of God, the power to save, but this cross is a thing, you know, that sets Christianity apart. And this cross is a thing, you know, that actually saves humanity. Mark 00:11:16 Amen. And, and, and with this message, these five words, I would say it's incumbent and so important for all Christians to make those five words, the focus of their Christian life Christ and Jesus Christ and him crucified in first Corinthians one 17, the apostle Paul says that Christ himself had sent him to preach the gospel, not with wisdom and eloquence, less the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. That message is perfect. We don't, I mean, you know, God gifts men to be good communicators, but if they are not communicating those five words, they have emptied the cross of its power. Tim 00:12:10 Absolutely. Yep. I, I do wanna jump back into the first verse and say that Paul's description of how he preached, not with eloquence or, or human wisdom gives me great hope because I don't feel like I have a whole lot of eloquence or human wisdom to import, but, you know, I know what I know. And the simplicity of what I know is the rock that I stand on. And it's what I'll tell people about. I don't have to go into the old Testament and talk about the tribes that lived and where they lived and the proofs of the Bible that have been dug up and things. All I have to talk about is Christ Jesus Christ and him crucified, cuz that's where the power is now, Mark 00:12:51 You know, Ajai, you made a good point about just how learned the apostle Paul was having studied under Gamal L and so wait a minute here. He says he didn't come with eloquence or human wisdom or strong and persuasive words. It's not that the apostle Paul was coming with false humility. He did, he wasn't saying I don't have eloquence. He wasn't saying that I have not been given wisdom through my studying and through the gifts God has given me, he's saying, this is not where the power comes from. This is not what I rely on. I rely on the power of the gospel, Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I just think so many pastors, all of us that are believers can just learn from Paul on that, that it, as we always say, it's not the messenger, it's the message. But then again, when you get somebody who like Paul has been given giftedness and experience and has go, has worked hard to, gain understanding another gospel, when you add that to that gospel of God's power, I mean, it says God has raised up people to be teachers and prophets in evangelists and gifted them. When you get those both things together. That's what church is supposed to be in my opinion, Ajai, if it's okay, I'd like to share the little bit of, I don't wanna call it a, a digital altercation <laugh> but when we started talking about, this podcast, Jesus Christ and him crucified, we got into a little of our, I'll say debate maybe too strong of a, a word over whether it was talking about Jesus Christ and him crucified as being two different things that we're gonna also talk about who Christ was, why he came in the more and more, just like it always happens with us. The more and more we debate each other and come back and forth with scripture will usually end up at the beginning and agreeing. And that's, cuz it's almost impossible to talk about Christ without the cross because all those other things all came to fruition. If you're gonna talk about, you know, who Christ was, he was a lamb. He came for that cross to be sacrificed. So no matter what we talk about with Christ, it's almost impossible to separate that from the fact that he went to the cross for us. Ajai 00:15:43 Yeah. In fact, mark, you know, you just mentioned lamb, the cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ, you know, is an eternal event, right? It's not just something that happened, at a point in time and it is done with, Bible actually talks about Lord Jesus Christ as a lamb that who was sled before the foundation of the world. So, and John's first introduction of our Lord, Jesus Christ is behold. The lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. So the purpose of our Lord, Jesus Christ, even, becoming a human is to, basically become a sacrifice. And, he had to become a sacrifice because, you know, in our, the human beings, you know, we have sinned and we are perishing and then we needed a savior. And the only way, for, the humanity to be saved is, you know, if, the perfect son of God entered into this humanity and then he took our death upon himself. And then he, the only way to redeem us is to shed the sinless blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. So this is something God had in mind, even before the foundation of the world, because Lord is an all knowing he saw that we would fall and then he prepared a lamb even before the foundation of the world. And one other thing that struck me is, you know, not only Lord Jesus Christ was a lamb that was sled before the foundation of the world and throughout eternity, he actually manifests himself or he remains as the lamb. That was one SL. So I was actually, reading a passage in revelation chapter five. It's very, very interesting. Like I'm going to read a, just a couple of verses from chapter five. You know, when John, he was, you know, like this revelation John wrote and he was, he saw a vision of heaven. And then in verse, actually chapter five, starting from verse one, then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne, a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel proclaim proclaiming in a loud voice who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll, but no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. I wept and wet because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll to look inside. Then one of the elders said to me, do not weep. See the lion of the tribe of Judah. The root of David has triumphed. He's able to open the scroll and the seven seals and verse six. Then I saw a lamp looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne and circled by the four living creatures and elders. You see, what's interesting here is in verse five, the voice is the lion of tribe of Judah has prevailed. And then you would expect to see the lion of tribe of Judah on the throne. But what we see is the lamb that had been slain. So even in heaven, you know, Lord is showing himself as a lamb. That was slain. It's amazing to me, right? He see, we would probably expect to see, you know, this lot of glory, you know, lion of roaring lion of Judah, right. In all his glory. But what we see is a humble lamb, even in heaven, in all eternity. So it's so amazing to me when they saw that the elder, they cast their throne and, fell on their faces and worshiped the lime. You know, that's what makes us really, really fall on our faces. Tim 00:19:31 Yeah. I, I want to add, go back to something. I think you both mentioned, and that is that this was the plan from the beginning. We mentioned this early, an early podcast. There there's no plan B here with God, God, didn't go here. I created everything perfect. Ah, they broke it now, what should I do? He knew what was gonna happen. He prepared for it. And it came to pass and it was Jesus Christ and him crucified. Ajai 00:20:01 Yep. That's the plan. I've God. Yep. Mark 00:20:03 One thing that I will just split a hair on Tim, here we go. <inaudible> we need some kinda little hair split theme song that plays whenever we split hairs. But, Ajai said that, you know, and he's right. We tend to think of the cross. And I guess on the earthly side, it was a point in history, a point where God entered space and time and came to earth for us. But there's also an aspect in the spiritual realms that that event is eternal and eternal means not just without end, but without beginning. So Tim, when you said that was the plan from the beginning, I would go even past that and say it was the plan before the beginning. In fact, it says that God chose us chose to chose us in Christ to see us as holy and blameless before the beginning of time. And before the creation it's eternal, it was always God's plan, always that it had no beginning and it will have no end. And that just makes it even more powerful to me. I recently, learned something and that is that, you know, we know the many, the Bible has a lot of covenants, the old and the newer, probably the most well known, but there's also something theologically that has been called throughout the ages. The covenant of redemption and the covenant of redemption was a covenant between father, son and holy spirit. And it was the cross. And, whereas the old covenant depended upon, all right, if man does this, God will do this. This covenant was between three, absolutely faithful. You know, it was one God, but you know, no one's gonna ever break that co covenant or could it, and I just love that. Eternalness that part of it. You brought out Ajai that, it's no afterthought, the old, it wasn't that so many, just see it like, oh, the old covenant didn't work, you know, Adam and Eve screwed up, you know, and then Israel screwed up. We all screw up. <laugh> no, no, this was the absolute plan from the beginning. All those other things were just pictures of this plan or servants to this plan, Jesus Christ and him crucified. Ajai 00:22:36 So the eternal aspect of co cross also tied ties with the everlasting love of God. Right. You know, just as a cross has no beginning and end. God's love for us has no beginning and end. In fact, cross is a place where we see, the love of God in its full glory. Right? So like I mentioned before, there is seldom the love of God was mentioned in the new Testament without reference to the cross. I think mark, you mentioned before, right? You know, we tend to see the love of God in our circumstances, but you know, if you do that, you know, it all is relative, right? Some people experience really bad things and some people experience some good things. And sometimes people while experiencing good things, you know, they might think they're experiencing bad things because in the end, you, it all comes down to how you perceive what you're going through rather than what you're actually going through. So in order to really know the love of God beyond a shot of doubt, we look at the cross and we know in Romans chapter five, it says, you know, God demonstrated his love. You know, that is a demonstration of God's love not only demonstrated his love for us. It also demonstrates that, you know, his love is everlasting just as the cross is an eternal event. And then we said, you know, God, before the foundation of the world, he planned the cross for us, we know that, you know, cross is an event, you know, where Lord Jesus Christ suffered for us, right. Suffered to that most. So God knew what the Lord Jesus Christ was going to go through, but still he did not change his mind. Right. He gave him for us. So throughout eternity, you know, God's love was that it's an everlasting law that was manifested in an everlasting event. Mark 00:24:24 That's a great point, especially since many, see God, especially in the old Testament as this angry wrathful God. And it wasn't until the cross that grace and love came into the world. But in John one, it says that the cross is grace in place of grace already given it's because we have the cross because of God's love and God's grace. It was just the fruition of it coming. But if it wasn't for the fact that he was gracious and loving, and didn't also just one day become gracious and loving after Christ died, it was eternal. Tim 00:25:07 So for Christians and non Christians alike, our focus is Jesus Christ and him crucified. It's not focusing on ourselves. It's not it, we're not spreading the word of the, of God by beating people up about their sin or trying to scare them with hell or to, you know, present really good arguments. It's literally just sharing the love of God. The Jesus Christ in him crucified and the rest is, is of so much less importance. If, if of any importance at all. Mark 00:25:44 I agree with what you said, but one thing for us all, to realize that in those mere five words, it is so deep and so impactful of meaning that we're gonna spend the rest of our lives in attorney in heaven, just contemplating that, as Paul said in second Corinthians three, that we all who with unveiled faces, contemplate the Lord's glory are being transformed into his image with ever increase in glory, which is from the Lord who is the spirit that is contemplating the Lord's glory. When we contemplate Jesus Christ and him crucified. That's where all transformation comes from, all growth comes from and the holy spirit resides in that message right there. Ajai 00:26:35 Yeah. In fact, I just remembered a story. I think I told before as well, when I was young, right. Like, maybe in my twenties at that time, I didn't have a deeper understanding of grace. And of course, you know, you, we all know that, Christ died for us and it rose again. So on a good Friday, I went to the church and then this elderly woman, she was really old, like I think probably in her eighties or late seventies. And then she went ahead and just said, you know, she just spoke a few things, you know, and then she said, you know, the cross is so dear to me, I think that's the word I remember at that point, you know, I did not really understand. Okay. Yeah. What does she really mean by that? Right. But you know, as, even in my own life, as I came to know the grace of God and, and understanding is grace more and more, right? So, no, we see more and more about, the cross because that's where, you know, cross represents the finish work, right. That's where Christ did everything we need, not only, you know, redeemed us for, from our sins and the consequence of it, but also he set us up for all eternity. And, the more we see, you know, the more we understand that the cross is a solution to everything in our life. In fact, Bible talks about right. You know, we were, at the cross, not only largest Christ died for us, but we were crucified with them in a sense, largest Christ. Putan into the old humanity at the cross. And then through his resurrection, he brought about a new humanity, you know, that is sin and perfect. So, yeah, there is so much, and the implication of the cross is so much for each one of us. Like you said, mark, you know, it takes an eternity to really understand what happened at the cross. And no matter how we try to explain it intellectually, you know, the work that is done at the cross, it's hard to fathom everything that happened to us and everything. The Lord Jesus Christ did for us and the ness, the completeness of the finished work is so great for us. You know, all we need to do is just understand that Lord Jesus Christ died for us and the work is finished at the cross. And, that's why, you know, Paul is saying that, you know, preaching Christ himself and, and him crucified, that is all he's required. And that's where the power of God is Mark 00:29:13 One, one point I'd like to add onto that is that when Paul said to the Corinthians that while he was among them, he resolved to know nothing but Christ and him crucified that wasn't specific to just that church. Like he was in a mood while he was with the Corinthians to that was the gospel that he preached at all times. And, and I read, I recently read a great book by William Mitchell Ramsey. He was a very famous historian, arch archeologist, and a new Testament scholar. And as he studied Paul's journeys and his preachings, he said, if you read the apostle Paul's letters in chronological order, you'll see constant refining of his gospel. It didn't change, but refining means going from more to less, but what the less is, is more pure and more powerful. You know what, when you go to church on a Sunday, you know what, there are a lot of things a pastor could teach on that are good. You know, he could teach on the importance of spending time with your family, or he could, you know, there's a million subjects, but nothing compares Paul through his life. As he saw his ministry unfolding in front of him, saw the power of Jesus Christ and him crucified and what it did in people's lives. He resolved to know nothing but that, because you can go into a 10 part series on being a better father, you can do a 10 part series on being a better mother, but nothing is going to make a person, a better father or a better mother, like having understanding Jesus Christ and him crucified and having the power of the spirit in their lives. So as, as Paul went, I think, I think in just his realization in seeing that play out in people's lives, that, you know, that was always his gospel, but it became more refined as he went through his life. Tim 00:31:31 And none of those things will change your relationship with God in one iotta, they will, they may make you, act or appear like a, you know, a better person in this world, but it doesn't change anything about your relationship with Jesus Christ. Mark 00:31:50 Absolutely. Ajai 00:31:51 Yeah. In fact, in all those things, being a better husband and whatnot, the power to be comes from the cross, right? Absolutely. From Christ and him crucified, because that is a power of God. But the problem is, you know, people are telling, you know, Hey, you need to be better husband. You need to be this, you know, to be that, but they're not giving them the power to be. So yeah, they're just back to square one. So during that time, you know, they're probably feeling better. They feel good about it and feel motivated. Sure. But when they go back and try to be nothing works, you know, everything is back to normal. So that's because they're not preaching the power of God, you know? Mark 00:32:30 So that's an awesome point. Yeah. And, and, and it doesn't just hold true for believers. So many churches, so many people just rail at the world, rail at our nation and society for their sin. But if the believer can't do these things without the power of the cross, how is an believer gonna do it? You could talk somebody in, let's just say you could pick a sin sin flavor of the month. And let's just say, Ajai, you were so eloquent and so intelligent that you could convince them that what they're doing is wrong. They would not, they would have zero power to change it. So why do so many believers, Christians, pastors waste their time in FD, yelling at people to show 'em what's wrong when they need Christ, they need to understand Christ and him crucified, because it's the only way that they're going. We've, we've talked about this many time. The word repent has got nothing to do with sin. It means to rethink unless they understand the cross. First of all, they're not going to rethink, secondly, they're not gonna have the power. So just preach that. As Paul says, if every church, every pastor, every believer only resolved to know nothing but Christ and him crucified, just think of the impact that would have on the world. As people began to understand that message, which is innately filled with the Spirit's power, Tim 00:34:12 Just those, those changes, those preachings and teachings, may not be found in the law, but that we've said it before about the law itself, the law might be good, but what it's good for is showing you that you can't keep it and that you need the savior. It doesn't have it's until you don't do this, do this, don't do that, but it doesn't give us any power to not do or to do anything. Mark 00:34:37 And the, and the reason it was given in the first place was to bring you to Jesus Christ and him crucified. Ajai 00:34:45 Amen. Tim 00:34:46 Well, guys, this went quick. <laugh> I want to give you guys a chance to, get your final words in so to speak. and then we'll wrap this up for this, this episode. So Ajai, Ajai 00:35:00 You know, we as believers, you know, sometimes we probably neglect this, but I would say for me personally, keep the cross in front of your eyes always, right? So that is where the power is. And our eyes are also always focused on the cross. So every day we need the cross. It's not a one time thing because in this fallen world, in this fallen, body, we are constantly sitting. So every time we need to keep the cross in front of our eyes to understand that God has finished the work on the cross and it took our sins away. Like, you know, sin, not a sin is not a problem. So, and that is a thing that gives us confidence to go boldly to the throne of throne of grace and have this fellowship with God and also receive the mercy that we need. Bible says, you know, let us boldly come to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace, mercy, and grace for help in time of need. So in order to do that, you know, we need to keep the cross always in front of us, not only just talking about it, but also in our own personal life, understanding that cross is a place. The work is finished. So when we are running into issues, when we're running into problems, we just turn our rights to the cross and understand that the work is finished and that's where the power of the God comes in. Right? So when we look at the cross, you know, we understand that whatever we are suffering, what are our challenges are God already took care of it at the cross. And now we can walk in the newness of life on the other side of the cross, which is a resurrected life. So in order to get to the, reducted life, we go through the cross, we cannot bypass the cross. So when we go through the cross, what happens is we leave the old at the cross and we walk into the new, when we go on the other side of the cross. So for us in this life, we daily, we daily keep the cross in front of our eyes. That's what I would say. Mark 00:37:03 And I would just close by saying to God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the indescribable gift of your son. Jesus Christ and him crucified. Oh man. Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Ajai 00:37:20 Amen. Tim 00:37:21 Amen. Very succinctly put mark. And I would just add for myself as we get ready to sign off here that I want to be more like Paul. I want to resolve to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified. Amen. And to let some of these other arguments and issues and problems just not be a part of the conversation anymore. Mark 00:37:43 Amen Tim 00:37:44 Guys, this has been, this has been great. I've enjoyed their discussion. And with that, I'm just gonna say, if you're listening and want to contact us, please do give us an email. Contact us on our Facebook page. We'd love to hear from you. That's it for us tonight. Thank you very much, everybody. God bless. And we'll talk to you the next time.

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