Episode 20

April 03, 2022


Episode 20 - No Longer Under the Law - Pt 2

Episode 20 - No Longer  Under the Law - Pt 2
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 20 - No Longer Under the Law - Pt 2

Apr 03 2022 | 00:38:45


Show Notes

Christians are No Longer Under "the Law"

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hello, and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts, IJ, mark, and Tim three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you enjoy today's discussion. Let's dive right in. Speaker 1 00:00:23 Welcome back to the unveiling with your hosts. AJ, mark, and Tim. This is episode 20, uh, no longer under the law part two last week, we discussed some of the benefits of not being under the law and talked a little bit about how our lives should look now that we're not tied to the law anymore. Today. We're gonna go a little bit deeper into the well it's benefits, but it's not really benefits. It's it's what happens when we get saved. And what does that, what do the ramifications of those things in our lives? So I am gonna start off by pitching over to AJ. Why don't you get us started today? Speaker 2 00:01:09 Yeah, so, yeah, Tim and, uh, Mark's always good to see you guys. Um, we have been talking about the benefits of the law and we started going to ramifications, you know, one of the benefits that's been on my mind is Roman six, 14 Speaker 3 00:01:25 Benefits of no longer being under the law, not benefits of the law, right? Speaker 2 00:01:30 Yeah. Benefits of, no, thank you, mark. Did I say that? Okay. Yeah. <laugh> yeah. Benefits of no longer being under the law. Roman six 14 says for since shall not have dominion overview for you, not under the law, but under grace. So clearly it says, you know, sin will not have dominion over us or sin shall not be our master if we are not under the law. So the con of the statement is if we are under the law, sin will have dominion orders or sin will have mastery over us. And Paul talks about this in several other, uh, places as well in Romans chapters five, it says, you know, moreover, the law entered that they offense might abound. And in Romans chapter seven, Paul says, we talked about it several times for when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions, which were allowed by the law where it work in our members to fruit, to bear fruit and to death. Speaker 2 00:02:34 I think we also know in a current, in it says, you know, the law is the strength of sin. So clearly if you are under the law, sin will have dominion over us. But unfortunately the church has reversed this. They say, you know, if we are not under the law, sin will have dominion over us. So it is extremely important to us to understand this because in order to be free from the power of sin, the minimum requirement is that we are not under the law. So that is a great freedom that we have coming into grace and actually realizing that, you know, when we are not under the law, when we get out from under the law, we are freed from the dominion of sin. So understanding that will give us our launches into this new life, right, where we can actually live from free from the dominion of sin. It doesn't mean that, you know, we'll never sin, but that power right, that has kept us down. We will see the more we realize that we are not under the law, but we are now the righteousness of God in Christ. We will see that, you know, that power breaking down and we'll start walking more and more in the freedom from sin. Speaker 1 00:03:49 All right. So let me just clarify something. We're born in sin, we're born sinful and that's because of the laws of heredity and things like that. When Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden, they were perfect until they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil notice. They didn't eat of the tree of sin or evil. They ate of the tree of the knowledge of it. So that is what put them under sin and why the com the law is not meant to save us, but to show us that we're sinful. So, I mean, that's how it started. And then we go from there, mark. Sorry. I'd interjected right before you started to talk. Speaker 3 00:04:31 No, that's fine. That's fine. That was a good point. Uh, one, one of the things, a little clarification, I wanted to make couple clarifications. One on what you just said, IJ, that we are no longer under the law. I think that scares some people like, like all bets are off we're Cowboys going into Abilene on a Saturday night with our paychecks. <laugh>, you know what I'm saying? But that's not what it is because we're no longer under the law of sin and death. We are now as Paul would put it under the law of the spirit who gives life. We're not just coming out from under the law and just stopping right there in some limbo where we do whatever we want. We're going into righteousness into the ministry of the spirit in our lives and the love of God being the heartbeat that, that drives us. So there's nothing to fear coming out from under the law. Yeah. You know, you're and so I did this one little point and then another thing I found very interesting. And Tim loves when I point out every little err word, he says, <laugh> Speaker 1 00:05:42 I, I live for it, mark. I Speaker 3 00:05:44 Do. I know you do. I know you do Tim. And, and so I'm gonna really try to give you some joy right here. And that is when you introduced our subject, you said, we're going to talk about now that we're no longer under law, how we should live should is a word of the law. <laugh> there is no should anymore. The law is you should do this. You should do that. No, and I don't mean to be nitpicking, but I'm just saying there's, there's something in that the word should is gone. There's no should anymore. There's the spirit of God. And that's, and you know, what, what your relationship with Christ is, is gonna look different than mine. It's not gonna be exactly the same. We can't say all Christians should give 10%. All Christians should read this many chapters of script. You know, there's no more should there's and there's no more, shouldn't either it's freedom. So I I'll be honest. I don't mind Speaker 1 00:06:45 Being corrected on that one. I, I agree with you. And I like that. I really do. Speaker 3 00:06:50 Yeah. Thanks. I, I didn't mean to, uh, get down on both of you there, but, uh, one, one thing I wanted to share is I love the scripture. That was a Roman six, 14, that you that's right where it says, it's, sinal no longer be your master because you are no longer under law, but under grace, the power you could sit and just chew on that verse every day. Well, really for the rest of your life, but for the next year, because the ramifications of that are so far reaching and revolutionary, that it just cha that kind of, that kind of truth can change your life. And I I'm leading worship at a church this weekend. And I, I don't do a lot of hys, but they ask me to do like a cross section, cuz it's an audition for a worship position. And they ask me to do a lot of different types of songs to kind of show different styles. Speaker 3 00:07:44 And so I'm doing a very old hymn called come vow F which most believers have probably heard it one time. Although the way I do it, the guy wrote it's probably gonna be rolling on his grave, but <laugh> cause we rock it a little more. But I hate the second chorus of this song because the writer obviously did not know Roman six 14, and the words are this prone to wander Lord. I feel it prone to leave the God. I love no, sorry. That is a lie because of exactly what we're talking about right now, not being under the law, doesn't make us prone to sin prone to wander. It makes us just the opposite. It takes us out of the dominion of wandering and sinning. We've been given the spirit. Now we are now prone to being transformed and prones not even strong enough word. Speaker 3 00:08:45 We will be transformed into the image of Christ. We will become the, we are the children of God's sons and daughters, heirs of God. Coheirs with Christ and, and here's the next. And here here's what the writer's problem was. Okay. Cuz after he said prone to wander prone to leave the God I love, he said, here's my heart Lord take and seal it. Seal it for V courts above. Well, wait a minute. You don't need to pray that prayer Christian spent too much time praying for things they already have in Christ. The moment you put your faith in Christ, the holy spirit has been given to you as a seal of ownership as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. Your future is guaranteed guaranteeing the riches of your glorious inheritance. So first of all, he's under the, the misconception that he's prone to w or prone to stumble prone to sin prone, to even leave God as if that were possible, because he doesn't understand that he's already been sealed in Christ. Speaker 3 00:09:53 He has the spirit. Now he's a new creation. And I just think that's such a fundamental point. And you know what I read on this guy who wrote it, they say at the end of his life, he actually walked away from God. Wow. Now we won't get into the whole, we won't get into the theology of whether that's possible to do or not. That's another whole three part episode series, but I could see someone going through their life as a Christian believing I am a sinner. I am prone to leave God. Well, that's a self-fulfilling prophecy. We need to know who we are as Christians. We are not prone to wander. We don't have to pray for God to seal us in Christ. He's already done it. The minute we put our faith in him. So Speaker 2 00:10:42 Yeah, that's one of the reasons, you know, we spend so much time on, uh, our inheritance in Christ. You know, understanding what we have in Christ is what sets us free to walk in everything we have. So going a little bit deeper into Roman six, 14. It says you under the law, sin was our master. So this master is not just like, you know, employer, uh, and employer relationship. It's more than that. It's like a slave master. So a slave does not have a choice, but to obey the master, even if the slave doesn't want to, but that slave doesn't have a choice, but finally, under grace, right? Once you realize that sin is no longer our master, finally we have the freedom to say no to sin. So it's very important to understand that. And um, once we come out of the law and we come into the land of grace, we understand that sin is really not our master. Speaker 2 00:11:44 So what that means is we have the ability to say no to sin finally, because sin has no authority over us. And if we say no to sin, it has no choice. But to back off because sin is not our master anymore. And we can truly finally walk in the freedom that we have in our Lord, Jesus Christ. And one other thing I wanted to point out is under the law when we were in our flesh, our default state and our permanent state is sinner, hood or sinner, ship, whatever you want to call it. So even when we, when we were under the law, because sin is our master and we were sinful, even if we commit some good acts here and there that doesn't make us righteous. Similarly, now that we are delivered from the law and we are coming to this land of righteousness, our default and permanent state is righteous. Speaker 2 00:12:40 So because of our flesh, because Bible says, you know, when we are born again, even though our spirits are made alive and we receive a new heart, we still have a old, old bodies. And Bible says, you know, sin Wells in this body. And then we still have our own old mind and old memories. So we have the tendency to go and act like as if we are not saved. Right? So sometimes even when we sin that doesn't change our state, we are still righteous. So it's very important to understand that because in Romans chapter six, towards the end of the chapter, it says Paul was, you know, very surprised if someone after Romans chapter, um, uh, six verse 15 afterwards, 14, he says, what then, shall we sin? Because we are not under the law, but under grace, he says, you know, certainly not. Speaker 2 00:13:32 Do you not know to whom you present yourself slaves to obey to whom you are, the ones slaves, whom you obey, whether of sin are of obedience to righteousness. So I want to focus on verse 17. It says, but God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin. Yet you obeyed from the heart, that form of doctrine to which you were delivered and having been set free from sin, you have become the slaves of righteousness. So now since we have become a slave of righteousness, we don't have a choice, right? Even if we want to get out from here and enslave ourselves into sin, again, it's not possible. And even if we sin, sometimes we are still the slaves of righteousness. That means our righteousness doesn't change. And the more we realize this, the more we realize and own our righteousness, the more, you know, we'll be able to walk in the freedom and the righteousness we have. Speaker 1 00:14:31 How freeing is that? I know we've told the story before of being in a church, in, uh, the Kremlin in Moscow and on the back wall was a painting of God with a pair of scales. And I asked about it and I was told, oh, that's when we die, we get judged all of our good deeds versus all of our bad deeds. We don't have to worry about that after we are saved, there are no bad deeds. I mean, we can hurt others. We can hurt ourselves, but none of that is going to be held against us. So there's no nothing to measure anymore. And the, the most freeing thing about that is we no longer have to tell people, God wants you to be saved so that you can do all these things for him. And you can do, you have to, but now you have to do this and that, and this and that. I guess we don't have to say that anymore. Uh, we can just tell them how much he loves us and how much he wants to have a relationship with us. And it's never gonna change. That's that's so much easier to tell people, Speaker 3 00:15:31 AJ, can you do me a favor and read Roman 6, 17 1 more time. Speaker 2 00:15:35 Yeah. But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin. Yet you obeyed from the heart, that form of doctrine to which you were now delivered and having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. Speaker 3 00:15:52 That is another awesome line that we could just hang out on for a decade. But you said something, a couple things right after that, I wanted to talk about, you said, once we understand this, once we own this, it changes everything. Yep. And to me, those are, I love the word own too, because it doesn't mean just to understand. It means to understand and then incorporate into the very DNA of your life. Because some people might look at, uh, the first part of Romans six, where it says slave, uh, sin shall no longer be your master because you're no longer, no longer under law, but under grace. And I'll say sometimes I don't always feel that way cuz I still mess up all the time. But I just think that word understand and own. And if there's anything that the unveiling it is about, it's getting hopefully us first, but all believers, really using understanding. Speaker 3 00:16:58 And to me, that's like one of the greatest gifts in making us in his image that God has given us the ability to think to ponder, to reflect on, to meditate on, to own, to understand to, uh, oh, here's the one I love recently where Paul prayed for us that we might grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. And to know this love, that surpasses knowledge. So often, I mean, just as you're reading your scripture, look for words that, that the writers in scripture use that are other words for thinking there's so many in there. The one, the reason I love that last scripture, I read grasp how wide and long and high and deep is, is because it denotes using our ability to think, not just to gain, understanding, understanding, but to grasp something is to lay hold of it. Speaker 3 00:18:00 Now for me, for sin to no longer be my master, it's not enough for me to memorize Roman six 14 and say, okay, I know that sin is no longer my master cuz I'm under grace. Now, if I don't grasp it, if I don't own it, I'm not gonna get the full power of it. And I'm not trying to make it sound like a work, but God's given us minds to know him. If we didn't have a mind, if we couldn't think or contemplate, we couldn't know him. My dog doesn't know God, you know what I'm saying? So I just think it's so, so important for us to really take, like I was just kind of tongue in cheek, joking about how we could hang out on some of these one versus scripture for a year. That's really not an overestimation because the word of God is living and active. Speaker 3 00:18:57 And we keep coming into deeper and deeper understanding and knowledge. And we don't do this under our power and it's not a work because it says that that God wants us to understand everything he's freely given us. And he's given us his spirit so that we can do that. If you go through the new Testament and read the prayers of Paul for believers, there's, I don't know if you're gonna be able to find one prayer that he doesn't pray for us to have more knowledge of God that we might be SP uh, filled with the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know him better, to know the hope to which he's called us to know the riches of our glorious inheritance. And so I just wanna encourage everybody. It's the greatest adventure to contemplate the glory of the Lord and come into greater understanding and all the things we receive through that Speaker 1 00:19:54 Couldn't agree more me just want to add one thing. You gotta start somewhere. You know, not everybody is, is gonna listen to us or read those scriptures and own it. It takes some time and it takes my opinion, the holy spirit to continuously reveal the scriptures to us. He's our guide. He's our teacher. You know, it, it's one of those things. It's not fake it till you make it, but it's, you've gotta, you may have to take it in steps to get to that point. Don't be discouraged. You know, we were brought up under mixed theology or the cor clearly completely the law. And so some of these things are gonna sound foreign and feel odd as you come into it. But let the, you know, keep reading your scriptures, keep meditating on them and keep letting the holy spirit work on you till you get to that point. Speaker 3 00:20:43 I love what you just said, Tim. And I think what our listeners have up on many believers, including probably the three of us we could testify is that I sat in church for two over two decades and nobody ever said these things to me. Speaker 1 00:20:58 Agreed. Speaker 3 00:21:00 So if you're listening now, you're up on us. <laugh> because you have some someone telling you, you know, what the true gospel is and to use that unbelievable gift God has given you of thought and, and just gazing at the, these truths and thinking about 'em there's no, it becomes the greatest joy of your life. Speaker 2 00:21:21 Yeah. One of the ways of, uh, in fact, I would say the primary way of owning your righteousness is when we mess up, what do we do? Right? When we do things as believers, we are not supposed to do the natural tendencies, you know, to beat up ourselves again, go back under the law and try to promise God that, you know, I'll do better next time and putting some Bo boundaries and checks and balances and promising ourselves feeling bad. You know, all these things, again, you know, belong to the law mentality, basically going back to the law and trying harder the next time. So the thing we do is, you know, when we sin, when we do mistakes as believers, we simply recognize that, you know, that sin has been paid for that. Sin has been washed away. Lord Jesus, Christed already took that sin away. And like we just talked about, right. That does not change my state from unrighteousness to righteousness. I'm still the righteousness of God at Christ. So just as we have, um, being saved by believing that God raised Jesus from the dead, that is a token of our righteousness. We still, again confess the finished work of Lord Jesus Christ and simply confess our righteousness. We don't confess our sin. When we sin, we confess our righteousness and that's where we actually practice what we have and own what we have in our logic Christ. Speaker 1 00:22:51 We all grew up from infancy, with rules and regulations and guidelines and things like that. You know, uh, don't, don't say bad words, respect your elders. Uh, pray, pray every day, do all these things that we had to follow. And I think some people take comfort in those or took comfort in those maybe, and the, they having that list of ways to behave and things to do made them feel like they were somehow being better people or more righteous people during those periods of time. But the flip side of that coin has always been when you do fail, it it's worse because you're now imposing all that on yourself and you're feeling the guilt and condemnation and stuff. So we've gotta get out of that mentality of there are rules to follow and just understand there's a relationship to be had Speaker 3 00:23:44 The, the fo that's so perfectly put Tim, the Christian life is not about sin. The Christian life is Christ. And so few are preaching that they spend 10 part series on do this. Don't do that. Now, Tim, I didn't let you skate. When you said we're gonna be talking about the way we should be living now that we, so I can't let AJ, I'm sorry, but you just said, when we do things that we aren't supposed to do and we feel, wait, wait, if there's no such thing as should UN under grace, there's no such thing as supposed to either. So it's Speaker 1 00:24:22 A remnant of our mixed theology and our law backgrounds. We think there are things that we should and shouldn't Speaker 3 00:24:28 Do. That's a great point though, because many Christians don't believe that they have a law mentality, but every Christian has got some of it in them either in the way they think, or the way they speak or the way they act or the way they feel when they do something that they shouldn't do or aren't supposed to do. And when they feel guilt, they're just proving right then and there that I'm still under the law. That's just a great litmus test. There's nothing good about guilt. You feeling pious and bad about your sin led you to Christ in the first place he's dealt with it. If he's chosen to forget it and forgive it, why can't you forget it and forgive it, turn to him when you sin and just praise him in worship that you have great victory in Jesus. Speaker 2 00:25:18 Yeah, I think that's a simpler word. Uh, mark, I think, uh, just to clarify, you know, as believers, when we sin it is still sin. So I think we are saying we are not, when we use the word supposed to, you know, we are still living by the law. I think that's the point that you are, uh, uh, pointing to. But I think we want to be clear that, you know, we are not saying that, you know, once you are saved, there's nothing called sin. Whatever you do is acceptable. You know, we are not saying that. Speaker 3 00:25:45 I think you already explained that pretty well at the beginning of this podcast too. Um, you know, and we Al we say that all the time sin is bad. Sin hurts people. It hurts us. It just is irrelevant to our standing in relationship with God, just as if my son is naughty. Well, now he's 21. So I he's naughty. I just hide because <laugh>, but, uh, it it's irrelevant to him being my son or not being my son. We haven't been, we haven't been adopted into rules. We've been adopted into sonship where children of God, now that's our focus. We live in freedom and love. We live in his spirit and our one focus is Christ contemplating his glory and getting into, and just getting deeper and deeper owning that as AJ would say, or grasping that as Paul would say, Speaker 1 00:26:40 I think there's a distinction somewhere. I don't remember remember where, but it's not, we're not just his children. We're his dear children. Speaker 3 00:26:47 Yeah. Dear children, Speaker 2 00:26:48 You know? Yeah. It's his inefficient. Speaker 3 00:26:49 Yeah. And Paul says Galatians. And if children then heirs of God in coheres with Christ, we're not just like a younger child who back in those times, didn't inherit. We are the eldest child of the family who inherits the estate, everything in Christ, everything he accomplished on the cross, as well as every single promise in the old covenant, the new covenant, every promise God has ever made. Paul tells us for no matter how many promises God has made, they're all yes. In Christ. Yep. And that will never change no matter what you do Speaker 2 00:27:28 Exactly. Speaker 3 00:27:29 Because you didn't do anything to gain that. So how could you do anything to lose it? Speaker 2 00:27:34 Yeah. So the necessity of being not under the law is, you know, in Roman sht rate, worst 10, it says, and if Christ is new, the body is dead because of sin. But the spirit is life because of righteousness. So in other words, you know, spirit cannot be our life. If we are not righteous and under the law, we can never be righteous. So what we are saying is, you know, under the law, there's no way we can have the spirit of our Lord. Jesus Christed Christ are the holy spirit. So many people, you know, who are particular about walking by the spirit, they still are, uh, emphasized on being under the law, but they don't. They don't realize that if you're under the law, you cannot have the holy spirit. Because Bible says, before, you can have the spirit of God, you must be made righteous, and there's no way we can be righteous under the law. Speaker 2 00:28:27 So it's very important again, to understand that we need to get out of the law to be, to first, to have the spirit and then be led by the spirit. And the first thing the spirit does like, uh, mark, you talked about is the spirit himself bears witness that we are the children of God. And if children then is, so it all begins with, you know, coming out of the law and then understanding that, you know, we are the righteousness of God in Christ and then understanding we have the holy spirit and then simply listening to the holy spirit and, uh, and believing the witness that holy spirit bears about our status and about who we are, that we are the children of God. Speaker 3 00:29:14 You know, as you're speaking, RJ just strikes me just what good news the gospel is, the message of God's grace. The law is bad news. It says, you're condemned. You're a sinner and you are without hope. And without God in the world, you're dead in your sin. You're an enemy of God, but wait, that's not the end of the story. Here's the good news. It's the most exciting, valuable news. There's nothing more valuable in, in all of creation. It just blows me away. It just blows me away. And that's why we are so excited to be able to do something like this and share this good news and just pray that more and more people around this globe come into the revelation of what the real gospel is. What I'll tell. I always tell people, if you go to check out a church and the things they're saying, don't sound like good news. Don't walk, run, because that's not the gospel. The gospel is the best news ever, ever, period. Yeah. 25 exclamation points after. Speaker 2 00:30:25 Yeah. Another indicator of, uh, you know, getting the message run away from here is, uh, if the message puts fear in your heart Speaker 3 00:30:34 Or guilt, Speaker 2 00:30:34 Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, that's also not of God. Romans, uh, eight, uh, 15 says for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry a father. So coming from the LA Andre, you know, coming from sinning and, you know, being in bondage to sin, it's easy for us to get afraid every time, you know, we fall or falter, or when we hear the law, you know, it's easy to, um, for us to, uh, get afraid. So when a preaching, you know, that is based on the law, that puts fear in our heart. Then, you know, we need to double check ourselves whether that is a message from God, because it clearly says, you know, the spirit that we received, it does not put us back under bondage to fear. It's talking about, uh, uh, it's talking about, uh, the law, you know, that puts us in fear, but you receive the spirit of adoption whereby we cry a father. Speaker 2 00:31:37 So this is very important to understand that the holy spirit, you know, sometimes, you know, the way people preach, holy spirit, it, uh, kind of puts fear in our heart because the emphasis is on obedience. And the emphasis is on again, you know, fear based most of the time, even when they talk about holy spirit. But clearly it says, you know, the holy spirit did not come to us to put fear in our hearts, but actually to take away the fear. And by the holy spirit, we see God as our father and we can cry out to him, ASBA father. And that means we can go to him without any fear and have this new relationship with God. And eventually the Bible says, you know, the perfect love of God cast out fear. And the only way we can know and understand the love of God is by the holy spirit. So by definition, holy spirit cast out fear. So if there is any teaching that says a about the holy spirit, that puts fear in our hearts, probably know there is something wrong about that. Teaching Speaker 1 00:32:46 Anything that, anything that we come out of, a message from where we feel guilt, fear, condemnation, like we don't measure up, like we need to do more, or we have to work harder. That's the, that that's mixed gospel. And I'm not saying these pastors don't love God. I just don't think they understand the fullness of the true gospel message. Speaker 3 00:33:09 Well, even the apostle Paul said that about, uh, the P the Jews of his time. He said he could testify, man. They loved God. They were zealous for God, but it wasn't based upon knowledge. There's that word again, understanding and knowledge so that we can receive the true gospel. Here's what the apostle Paul said about works. The law religion. He said these rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use are based on merely human commands and teachings such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom with their self-imposed worship, their false humidity, humid, humility, and their harsh treatment of the body. But they lack any value in STR restraining central indulgence. So what do a lot of pastors do? They preach the law, what you should do and shouldn't do. And here's how to overcome that sin in your life. But the Paul, the apostle is saying here, wait a minute, that gives no power to help them overcome that sin in their life. It just makes 'em a bigger slave to it. Speaker 1 00:34:21 It's like you've said before, mark, the law doesn't have any power to stop us from doing its dos. And don'ts the only thing that gives us any power at all, is the spirit of God. Speaker 3 00:34:36 Can we give an invitation, uh, to anybody that happens to be listening now at the end of our, uh, we don't normally do, but, but I just wanted to say this because there may be somebody out there now who is, has found the podcast and they have not put their faith in Christ. Yet this whole conversation we had today, pretty much every conversation we have on every episode is for you to know that no matter what you've done, no matter what you're doing, even right now, there are no requirements. God loves you. And he wants you to come to him. Not so he can take away all your fun or make you change. You don't have to do anything other than believe in Christ. And that God loves you and sent him for you. We just encourage you to do that. And believe me as the apostle Paul said, when he looked back on all the good things he had in his life before he came to Christ, he said, you know what? I, I consider them all dumb. Now they were crap. <laugh> compared with the surpassing excellence of knowing Christ. So don't even worry about that. It's not about sin. What you've done, what you're doing is that God loves you, period. No, an ifs or sir buts, right? AJ. Speaker 2 00:35:57 Yeah, mark. You know, uh, the Bible clearly says, you know, how shall we be saved in Roman chapter 10? Sorry. Yeah. Roman chapter 10, 10, 11, um, actually from nine. Right? So that if we confess with our mouth, the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart, that God raised him from the dead you'll be saved for, with the heart. One believes unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. So here, what we are confessing is not our sin and we are not even confessing that Jesus has the Lord. It says confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus. So if you're simply confess or call out on the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and believe in your heart that God reach him from the dead you'll be saved. And it goes on to say in verse 12 and 13 for there's no distinction between Jew and Greek, the same Lord overall. He is rich to all who call upon him for whoever, whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. There's the same thing as confessing the Lord, Jesus, simply calling upon his name and then believing in your heart that God raised him from the Speaker 3 00:37:11 Dead. So there's no special prayer. We have to pray. No exact words we have to speak. Is that what you're saying? AJ? No, Speaker 1 00:37:18 No incantation. Speaker 2 00:37:20 <laugh> no, no. Simply believe. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:37:22 Jesus himself said it. In those words, when he was asked, well then how, how do I be saved? He said, simply believe on him. Who sent me? Speaker 3 00:37:29 Absolutely. I love that. You Speaker 1 00:37:31 Know, that's it, I, it's simple. It's life changing and huge but simple at its Speaker 3 00:37:38 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:37:40 Well guys, uh, mark you've we we've, I think we're gonna put a pin in it right there. I, I appreciate that, uh, call and I'm gonna encourage anybody. If you have questions, you don't understand, you want more information on this we're available. You can contact us in the, uh, in the music that we'll follow will have our contact information. We thank you all for listening again. And we look forward to talking to you the next time we would like to thank you for listening to the unveiling. We hope you have enjoyed it enough to consider subscribing and sharing with others. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. You can reach us via email at the unveiled gospel, yahoo.com or find our Facebook page at the unveiling podcast for IJ, mark and myself. God bless. And we will talk with you next time.

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