Episode 43

November 13, 2022


Episode 43 - The 7 I Am's of Jesus - Pt 2

Episode 43 - The 7 I Am's of Jesus - Pt 2
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 43 - The 7 I Am's of Jesus - Pt 2

Nov 13 2022 | 00:40:56


Show Notes

Episode 43 - The 7 I Am's of Jesus found in John - Pt 2


John 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

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Episode Transcript

Tim 00:00:24 Hello, welcome back to the unveiling with your hosts Ajai, Mark and Tim. This is episode 43, part two in our series on the seven I am statements of Jesus that are found in the Book of John. Tonight we are going to start out with, John eight 12 where Jesus says, I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. Now, much like I did last time, let me just quickly set the, set the scene as to what was happening prior to this statement. Jesus was teaching and the Pharisees lawmakers came up to him and they had a woman who had been caught in adultery with them. And they brought this lady up to, to have Jesus, you know, kind of to trap him because, you know, they wanted, they wanted a reason. This is, this is already a re, you know, a time period when they were against him and they wanted to try and expose him or whatnot. So they brought this woman in front of him and they said, Teacher, this woman is, has been caught in at adultery. You know, what should we do? Moses says we should stoner, and yours is just not paying, apparently, paying any attention to them whatsoever. He is just kind of hunched over drawing into dirt at his feet. And they keep going, Well, you know, what, what should we do? And Jesus finally looks up and looks back down and says, You, you know, let the person who was without sin cast the first stone and he continued scribbling in the dirt. They say, Now my opinion here, this is not scriptural at all, but I kind of think in the, in the dust, he was writing words like sins that they all knew they had committed. He might have written the word lie or steal or cheat or adult or, you know, or whatever those words were. And the people were watching him. They were personally convicted enough that they would each kind of just wander back into the background and disappear. And after a while, Jesus looked up at the woman and looked around and he goes, Isn't there anyone left here to condemn you? And she goes, No, they all left. He goes, Well, I don't condemn you either. You know, I forgive you your sins. Go and sin no more. And that was, you know, that was the end of it for him. It was pure grace and, mercy that he let her move along with her life, freed her of the sin in her her past, and encouraged her to go forth and sin no more. Now, we may have a bit to talk about on that last part of that line, Go and sin no more. I don't think he was telling her to go out and try not to sin and to work hard not to do anything wrong. But I think that because she had come, you know, before him the way she had, she accepted who he was and kind of accepted him then and there. And now she's not a sinner anymore. She's a saint. And she can't sin. That's the nature of grace. You're no longer a sinner. So anyway, that's me being long winded. Just to get us up to this point, guys, last week, I think we started with you, aj. So this week, Mark, would you like to go first? Mark 00:03:32 Yeah, I would love to just comment on Jesus' last line. I've heard the theory that you brought up that Jesus was, excuse me, writing their sins in the dirt. And there's nothing, I mean, this is all just us giving guesses cuz there's nothing that tells us what he was doing. And perhaps that's true. I what I like about it though is here they are bringing this woman caught an adult. Just put yourself in that situation. The Pharisees and their robes and their power. They're the ruling leaders of the nation of Israel. They take this woman caught in the act of adultery. It says they caught her red-handed, they threw her down in front of 'em trying to, they were drama queens. Let's just put it that way. Okay? They were trying to get the most drama out of this situation. And what is, how, what's Jesus reacting reaction? I think you used the word nonchalant and should, Tim, he was just down there drawing this in, listening to their railing against this woman's sin. And this is really a pretty good picture of legalistic Christians railing against the sin of the world. When you think about it. That's what they were about. She broke the law and she should be stoned. And even in the midst of all their hubbub, for lack of a greater, you know, just all this drama and intenseness, he's just writing in the sand. And then they say to him, you know, the law says that we're supposed to stoner. What do you say? He knew they were trying to trap him. And he said to him that he among you is who is without sin, cast the first stone. And then it says, one by one they all left. And what I like about it says, it says the older ones left first and the younger ones at the end, like at least they had some wisdom to realize after living a life that we all sin. So, and, and then I love, how Jesus says to her woman, where are your accusers? And she's like, They're, they're gone. And he says, Well then neither do I condemn you. Go in peace and sin no more. To me, that's the key of the meaning of that line. Even caught in the midst of adultery, He says, he says, Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more. And to me that's, that's the key. When we are removed from con out from under condemnation, just like we've talked so many times, when we're taken out from under the law, that doesn't lead to going out and sinning more, it leads to less sin. Even though it seems counterintuitive that if you don't have all the rules over you, you're gonna go do whatever you want. And just like another time when the Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus, when another woman was, who was a prostitute, was at his feet pouring oil on them, kissing them, weeping on them, drying them with their, with their hair. And the Pharisees are like, If this man knew what kind of, if he was a prophet, he would know what kind of woman that is. So I guess one point is, if I was a Pharisee, they're not very good at trapping him. Cuz every time they try to trap him, he just comes up with some thing that just is just beyond brilliant cuts to the heart of the matter and leave them speechless. And scripture says that the law holds us the whole world silent before God because we're all guilty. And I love what he says, to the woman there. Well, in response to the woman there, he says to the Pharisees, He was forgiven much loves much. So being forgiven by Jesus as he said, Neither do I condemn you to the woman caught adultery that causes people to love much, which is really the same thing as not sinning when you think about it. Tim 00:07:34 You know, AJ it's a great story that leads into this, but it really doesn't bring us up to I am the light of the world. Why don't you take us, take us into the topic. Ajai 00:07:44 Yeah. You know, in fact, it's interesting to me, and I'm glad, Tim, that you actually said the context before we directly jumped into it. But, it's interesting, you know, the Lord says that right after this where he says, You know, I'm not going to condemn you, neither do I condemn you, Then he says, I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of the life. And in fact, you know, it reminds me, I think the first point I want to make is that, you know, when we have the true light, right, we see that there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. You know, there are two things happening here, right under the law. Everybody is condemned. That's what you know, the law Jesus has, proved here clearly. You know, it's not just that this woman is condemned, but everybody is condemned, you know, under the law because everybody is sinned. But, and the only way out of that condemnation is basically me, right? I have delivered you of the condemnation because I took your condemnation. I took yours into the cross, and I paid for ings fully. And therefore there's no condemnation. So when law Jesus Christ said, you know, neither do I, you, it's not that, you know, he's letting go of our sin, but he has his work in view. When he said that, you know, I'm going to go to the cross. I'm going to pay for not only for you since, but also since of the whole world. And because of that, right, there's no condemnation. Neither do I condemn you. It's not only you, I'm not going to condemn anyone who believes in the finish work that I'm going to accomplish on the cross. So again, I think, you know, in the natural right, we would think, you know, walking in the lightness, walking in light. In fact, you know, it reminds me of, John, it says, you know, if you walk in the light, the blood of Lord Jesus Christ, you know, cleanses is continual. It says in one John, I think it's, verse nine. Maybe, you know, we can quickly look at that one. John. I think it's nine, right? So one John verse seven, right? Actually let's read from verse six. If we say that we are fellowship with him and at walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. And the blood of Jesus, his son cleanses from all sin. So many people, you know, interpret this walking in the light as you know, constantly, especially in the context of this passes. They say, Oh, we are to constantly confess our sins and we try hard to not sin. You know, that's what is, walking in the light. In fact, they say that, you know, the light of God will show us our sins. That's their interpretation. But you know, based on what we saw in one John and in John chapter eight, and here the real walking in the right is right. You know, the walking in the light is, you know, when we walk in the light, it shows how perfectly Lord Jesus Christ to cover our sins and how perfectly there's no condemnation for us. It's a total opposite. People think, you know, when the light of God shines on us, it shows us our sins. No. When the light of God shows, shines on us, it shows us that, you know, we are not condemned anymore because of the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mark 00:11:05 I agree with that 110%. But I would also add to it though, is what does Jesus say? He says, I am the light. He didn't say, I came to show you the light and go walk it. He walk in and he said, I am the light. So when we walk in the light, we're walking in Christ. It's all focused on him. Ajai 00:11:25 Yep. Yep. Exactly. So under point, you know, I saw here is, you know, it says in verse 12, then Jesus spoke again to them saying, I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. You know, the term there I want to bring our attention to is the light of life. You know, that kind of reminded me, John chapter one, let's say, reading from verse four, it says, you know, in him was life and that life was the light of men. The light shins in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. So here we see that, you know, what is the light he's talking about His, his very life is the light. He's saying that right, you know, in him was life. And that life was the light of men. And then it goes on to say that, you know, there came a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify of this light so that all men might believe through him. He was not the light, but he came to testify about the light. And there was a true light, which coming into the world, enlighten every man. He was in the world and the world was made through him. And the world did not know him. He came to his own. And those who were his own did not receive him, but as many as received him to them, he gave the right to become the children of God, even to those who believe in his name. So again, here we see that, you know, when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, right? We become the children of God. You know, when we receive his life, then we are walking in light again. I think here, if you go back and look at the Bible, right, it talks in terms of darkness and light. So the darkness is the people, the, that are, that have not trusted in Christ Jesus, you know, that are not born again, that do not have the life of Christ them. They are the people who are living in darkness. And who are the people that are living in light are the people who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and who have their life in them. They are the ones who are living in light. Mark 00:13:27 And just once again, to start by saying, I'm not correcting you aj, and then ending up sounding like I am <laugh>. I'll just add to it and go one step further, that just as Jesus didn't show people the light, and he was the light, we are also, Jesus said to us at five 14 of Matthew, you are the light of the world. When we put our, our faith in Christ, He gives us his spirit, which is him living in us. So now we become the light of the world. It's just like really as deep as deep could be connection to that light. one one of the things that first kind of interested me, interested me when I thought about, you know, when I knew we were gonna do this podcast was the word light. And how many times the Bible uses the word light. And one of the great things about that word is it doesn't matter if you say something to someone on the other side of the world, like this is light, this is darkness. We all know what that means. It's a pretty universal, metaphor. and, and I just started thinking about what does that light mean? And so much in scripture talks about our understanding and contemplating and meditating. And Jesus is saying, I am the light of the world. And the word light means to understand or to see because a light literally and figuratively, when you turn it on, you can now see and understand your surroundings. And so that's what I really loved about that. It's like he came in to give us light, to give us understanding of who God is, who we are, who Christ is. just so much it's like, and that's why we have that saying like a light went on, meaning now I understand that big aha moment. Jesus is that big aha moment for us. Tim 00:15:25 And light is a interesting thing in its own right as well. I'll jump in here with that. That is, you can be in the very dark cavern in a cave well under the surface where there's no external light source. And I've done this in a couple of different caves over the years. I've loved to go in them, previously explored, I'm no splu, but, they will, they will often in one of these caverns shut off all the lights and it's, you know, dark and one little flashlight can light up and, you know, let, let you see your surroundings, the entire cave to some extent, one tiny little light can push back the darkness, just like one small piece of truth can push back all the misinformation and lies and distractions. It's just a very powerful thing. And that's why I think they, that word is so apropo when it comes to our spirituality. Because once we have the truth of the light of Jesus, it's, it's amazing. Ajai 00:16:24 Yeah, I want to kind of go back to that, point, right? You know, Lord Jesus made that, his life is the light. So I think sometimes, you know, we think light in terms of just enlightenment, you know, we gain more knowledge and we see things that we didn't see before. But that's not really, the light that the Lord is talking about. So unless we have Christ himself, you know, like Tim, you're saying Christ is the light. And unless we are born again and we have the life of Christ in us, we really do not have the light. So if you look at the world, right, you know, there are so many smart people, they see so many things that we don't see. And there are so many philosophies and there are so many keys to living. And in fact they live a very good life using those principles and things like that. So in some cases, I would say non believers, actually a better light, better life, speaking worldly than believers. But the point is, you know, they don't have the life of Christ. Neither they have Christ. So even though they sound like, you know, they are very smart and they have lot of knowledge, and they might be seeing many things that we don't see, they still don't have the light of life, which is Christ and his life. Mark 00:17:36 I also thought, or least recently also thought about the opposite darkness. He gives us a clue to one kind of darkness. And that it says in, I think it's John one, that he was the light of the world that came into the world, but men hated him because their deeds were evil. Okay? Nobody wants the light, you know, shined on them to expose their deeds. I would add another thing though, that today it's still true, but at that time, as Christ stepped into the world in his humanity as well as in his, divinity, the entire world was worshiping other than him. Whether it was the judaistic, works religion or, Islam or Buddhism, all around the world, people are in darkness. So I would say that that's part of the darkness too, isn't just actual sin, but trying to live by a set of rules that's the flesh is we've talked about many times. And, I think that's, that's a form of darkness now that it's just as prevalent as it was back then. Ajai 00:18:49 Yeah, I think that's a good segue to what I was going to say. Mark, you know, going back to, John chapter one again, like I said, you know, in him was light, and that light in him was life, and that life was a light of men. And then he goes on to say in verse 14, And the word word became flesh and welled upon us. And when saw his glory, the glory of the only begar of the Father full of grace and truth, John testified about him and cried out saying, this was the of whom. I said, He who comes after me has higher rank than I, for he existed before me for office fullness. We have all received grace upon grace for the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christed. So again, based on the context, right? So he's saying that, you know, Jesus is the light of the world, right? His life is our light. And then he's saying that he's full of grace and truth, right? So the gray and truth is the light and the opposite of grace and truth. Here, the contrast is the law, right? If you are living under the law, and if you are trying to attain your righteousness by the law, and if you're trying to, you know, be a, a good boy or a girl, you know, so that you can win God's favor, you are basically walking in darkness you did not understand, you know, the light or you did not understand, you know, how to get to this light of life. Mark 00:20:18 Another analogy, very similar to light and darkness is sight and blindness, which is another thing you see in scripture all over the place, figuratively. And in this scripture, literally, this is John nine, and it says, Now as Jesus passed by, he saw a man who was blind from birth, and his disciples asked him saying, Rabbi, who sin this manner is parents that he was born blind. Jesus answered neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. I must work the works of him who sent me. While it is day, the night is coming when no one can work, as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. When he had said these things, he spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. And he said to him, Go wash in the pool of salom, which is translated scent. So he went and washed and came back seeing. And in John 25, the Pharisees were questioning and asking who, you know, who was this, you know, that that made you see? And he said, You know, we know he's a sinner. You know, he, he's not who he says he is. And the man says whether he is a sinner or not, I do not know one thing. I know that though I was blind. Now I see, to me, that's got to be like the testimony witness, banner, whatever, whatever figure you wanna use of all believers. When I look back on my life before Christ, I was blind. But now I see, and it just works perfectly with the light and darkness because Jesus was the light and came into my life. Now I could see Ajai 00:22:16 Amen. Tim 00:22:18 You know, guys, I know you're, you've been kind of looking at me asking me to participate a little bit more. But I gotta be honest with you, you have literally ticked off every single verse and every single, thing I had written here for myself to bring up. So, <laugh>, I feel like I, I should just say something to so people know I'm still breathing. Mark 00:22:39 <laugh>, Ajai 00:22:40 Are you alive, Tim? Still? Tim 00:22:42 Yep. Doing well. Doing well and being blessed by this Ajai 00:22:46 <laugh>. Yeah. You know, this also, you know, talking about light and darkness, you know, it also reminded me, one of the scriptures, you know, that's the one, you know, our ministry is based on unveiling. So in, second Corinthians chapter four, it says in verse, three, Right, you know, chapter four verse three. And even if for gospel is wailed, it is welled to those who are perishing, in whose case the God of this world has blinded the minds of unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel, of the glory of Christ who is the image of God, for we preach, not ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as a bond servants for Jesus's sake, for God who said, light shine, light shall shine out of darkness is the one who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. You know, this is really, really beautiful saying, I mean like we can, really not, I don't think, you know, we can really comprehend the depths of the beauty of this verse, but you know, one thing we see here is that the whole world is in darkness, right? You know, and the light shines when the gospel comes to us, right? The gospel brings the light of our Lord Jesus Christ. And you know, when we believe the gospel, right, the light fully shines on our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. Mark 00:24:15 Well, this is just a little bit of a tangent here, but, what I love about the conversation today and all these scriptures are that it's telling us that it's not the law. That's the light, it's not religion, it's not even the Christian religion. That's the light. It's Jesus himself. That is the light. And that's why I just, one of my heartfelt desires is just for the preachers in this world and in this nation to bring the light just to bring Jesus. That's the light that people need. You know, when you bring the light as in a search light, as in you're grabbing a guy who you just arrested and you sit down and you put that bright light on him, they're gonna hide, They're gonna run. The light is meant to give people understanding and draw them to Jesus, draw them to God. It's not meant to blind them and make them run for cover because you're focusing it on all their sins. It already says our deeds are evil. And if the light is shown on us just to make us feel condemned, guilty, shamed, that's not light. That's just more darkness. The light is meant to let us see Christ. To understand Christ, to receive Christ. Ajai 00:25:31 Yeah. You know, in fact, I think, that also plays a role in the interpretation of the Bible. You know, when we do not have the light of the gospel, right? You know, we interpret everything based on the law, right? Everything comes down to, you know, you have to do this and God will bless you. So again, I think it goes back to we interpret everything in the light of the finish work of our logic. Jesus crashed only when we bring the cross, right? When we only when we bring the finish work into the scene, and when we see everything through the cross, then we can really understand the Bible correctly. Not only the Bible, right? We can even understand life correctly until we see the cross. And until we start seeing things through the cross, our life is always a question mark. Right? You know, many people ask why, why is evil in the world? Right? You know, why so many bad things are happening? You know why I'm suffering so much? You know, if God is good, why are so many bad things? So all these kind of questions will be answered. You know, when we see life through the cross and when we look at the light across, right? You know, the light of the gospel shines on our heart and you know, the scales will fall down. And then we start seeing, you know, the things as they are. You know, like that's why the Lord Christ said, I'm the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me, Right? So he is the truth. And you know that truth is the light. So unless we see everything through Jesus Christ and his finished work, right, our life is always little bit of a question mark and we are in darkness and we fall back, back to our works and fall back to flesh. So I think again, I think like Mark, you are saying, bring Jesus to the forefront, right? And he's the light. In order to have light in life, we need to have Jesus. So even as Christians, you know, many time, you know, when we think of light, we don't see it as synonymous with Jesus. We have all kinds of interpretation, right? We think, okay, light means, okay, some additional enlightenment, some additional knowledge. Okay, I work hard and gain some more knowledge. No, no, no. All that is not part light. Is light is Jesus, right? Just as Jesus is life, Jesus is light. Mark 00:27:46 Yeah. Which reminds, Oh, sorry, go ahead. Tim 00:27:49 Sorry. I was just gonna say, and this is just as important for believers as non-believers. You know, as most of us, you know, the three of us have, experienced in our lives. We were in the performance driven church most of our life. When we found the one true gospel that we claim to have here, the, we found that light and it illuminated so many scriptures. We had, there were a lot of scriptures that I would've called problem texts until I found grace. And until I found the what the truth and the teaching and the meaning of it was in, in being Jesus, in being grace and love and light. And it's, so we're not just like sitting here going, Ah, yeah, you un believers, you're in darkness. And you know, we've gotten plenty of Christians out there who aren't walking in the full light because they haven't ever been taught it. Mark 00:28:36 One of the things throughout the history of mankind, that mankind in different philosophies and religion has desired, you've probably all heard the word enlightenment to become enlightened. I wanna become an enlightened human being. And there are many, many different religions now that that's, that, you know, many of the eastern religions in new way, new age and people that they're sinking to be enlightened, even back in the time of Christ, the whole Greek culture that was their highest value was seeking wisdom and enlightenment. And as Jesus came into that culture, which put a big value, I mean, cuz people were mixed together at that time, you had the Jews and that whole, that whole area was living under the Greek influence where education and gaining wisdom was like the system they were born into. And then they were all under the Rome and Empire rule. So you had this big mix here and into that Jesus came and said, and even Paul, when he went to the Areopagus address, that as he spoke to the Greek, scholars and philosophers about what the real light is, he came in and said, Wait a minute, you want enlightenment? Great. Here I am. Boom. Love that. Ajai 00:29:57 Yeah. In fact, you know, people who seek wisdom, you know, they come up with all kinds of philosophies. But the Bible says, you know, the cross is a wisdom of God. Yeah. Without the cross, we neither have the power of God or the wisdom of God. So it's again, you know, everything points back to, the cross. You know, without the cross, you know, you can do whatever you want. You can come up with all kinds of theories, philosophies, and all kinds of enlightenment. You know, even Buddha, he actually, you know, went and, left everything and sat under a tree, and then he came up with some kind of enlightenment and formed the religion of Buddhism. But again, you know, there is no cross there, right? So he did not discover the cross. So anything without the cross end of the day is foolishness. You know, the Bible says the wisdom of God is for foolishness to those who perish. The cross is a foolishness to those who perish. But again, the we versa is also true. Right? You know, the wisdom of men is foolishness before God because all of the wisdom that we need is encapsulated in the cross. You know, He that has found the cross of Christ, has found the wisdom of God and who did not find the cross of Christ, right? No matter how intelligent he is sound, he's still a fool. Mark 00:31:18 Yeah, that's good. And when you think about it that way, the cross is really the ultimate light that shines. I mean, exactly in, in Christ's entire life, even in his life from birth to, to the cross, the cross was, was his, his pinnacle. It was, you know, just blinding light shining out. Ajai 00:31:39 In fact, like I said before, right? Even in heaven, you would think, you know, the lion of Judah has prevailed, right? You know, when you, you would think, you know, when you look at the throne, it's a roaring lion that is sitting there. But no, you see a lamb that was sled before the foundation of the world. So even in heaven, the cross is exalted. So that teased the wisdom of God, and that is a glory of God. Even the glorified Christ is the crucified Christ. How awesome is that Mark 00:32:06 <laugh>? And it also says, I don't have the scripture with me in revelation that in heaven there is no sun because the sun isn't needed there. It's, that's the lamb of God is lighting up heaven? That's a beautiful picture. Makes me wanna weep. Tim 00:32:22 Well, the only path, the only verse we haven't brought into this yet, <laugh> with the whole light thing is Jesus, you know, was described as a light unto our path and a lamp into our feet. And that is because if he is living in us, his wisdom, his glory is going to literally shine out from us. And it is going to, without our participation, particularly put us on the right path and put us where he wants us to be. And we will end up doing things and from hopefully good things, you know, in his name, but not of us, but of the, of Him who is coming out of us. Mark 00:32:59 And, and Tim, that's, that's Psalm 1 19, 1 0 5 that says, Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. And we also know that Jesus and the word of God are one. I mean John said in John one, in the word verse one, and the word became flesh, right? What was it? Tim 00:33:20 Was it, in the beginning was the word, and the word was Mark 00:33:23 The Word with God, and the word was God. And then it talks about the word came and became a man. So, so you are absolutely right when you said that Jesus is a lamp unto our feet, and so is the word because they're unified. And that I love the message. This is the message translation of Psalm 1 19 1 0 5. It's a paraphrase, but it tends to be really beautiful translations at times. It says by your words, I can see where I'm going. They throw a beam of light on my dark path. Isn't that powerful? Ajai 00:34:00 I'm also reminded of one more Old Testament, scripture. It's, it's still a little intriguing, but, it's again very beautiful. It says, in your light, we shall see light. So even to see light and understand, you know, have some understanding, we first need the light of God, you know, which is a Lord Jesus christed himself. So without him, you know, we cannot even see what light is. So that's a, that's a really beautiful scripture. But, even though I don't fully understand it, but I thought it's very beautiful. In your light, we will see light. Mark 00:34:33 Huh? That's good. What won't do you have the verse on that one off hand? Ajai 00:34:38 It is, Psalm 36, 9. Mark 00:34:41 Don't you read it Ajai 00:34:42 For, with you is the fountain of life in your light, we see light, Mark 00:34:48 Huh? For in you is the fountain of life. In your light, we see light. Ajai 00:34:52 Yeah. Mark 00:34:53 Wow. That's, that's really <laugh>. Yeah. That one gives me a brain cramp. Trying to think. It's like God's light is so bright, it allows us to see light <laugh>. Ajai 00:35:03 Yeah. That's so in other words, right. You know, without God's light, right, even light becomes darkness to us. People cannot see, light. Even if someone changes the light, you know, it's darkness. Mark 00:35:15 You can't see it. Yeah. Good stuff. Tim 00:35:17 Well, this has been beautiful, Mark, and I appreciate everything you guys have been saying tonight, but, I'm going to be the time cle keep again and call time, and I'm gonna give you guys a chance to wrap or summarize every, anything you wanna bring out from today's lesson or discussion. And we'll go an alphabet quarter tonight. Aj, how about you first? Ajai 00:35:39 Yeah, So this is for some reason, you know, this is again, one of my favorite scriptures. I find it very beautiful in, Matthew chapter four from verse 12 on verse 12 to 17, actually 12 to 16. Now, when Jesus heard that John had been taken into custody, he withdrew into Galilee and leaving Nazareth, he came and settled in Ka by the sea in the region of Jlu and Naali. This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, the land of Jlu and the land of naali, by the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles, the people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light. And those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death upon them, a light dawned. So, you know, Jesus is this light, right? You know, people who are sitting in darkness, they saw a great light. And those who are sitting in the land of the shadow of death upon them, the light dawned. So, our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus light, right? You know, who takes us out of darkness, who takes us out of the shadow of death and, you know, fills us with his light and fills us with his life. Mark 00:36:55 What was the scripture address on that? aj Ajai 00:36:59 it's, Matthew chapter four from verse 12 to 16. Mark 00:37:03 And I remember this though, that Matthew was quoting, That's an Old Testament prophecy. Ajai 00:37:09 Yeah. Mark 00:37:10 So this was all spoken before Christ was even born, which makes it that much more powerful. I'll just finish with Matthew, Matthew five 14, which kind of shines the light on us a bit. Pardon the pun. It says, You, just as Jesus talking to his disciples, of which we are, among their number, you are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden, Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Now, when you take that verse, most people see this as, Oh, I better go out there and really do a lot of good deeds, give a lot of money to the church. But Jesus said, Wait a minute. Good deeds aren't the light of the world. Living according to the law is not the light of the world. I am the light of the world. So when we let the light shine in us, it's just letting Jesus out. So simple, just our focus is Jesus. And almost like a prism where light goes in one end and then reflects out in greater number, that, that's how I see how I see that. Let your light shine before others. You know, we're the light of the world only because the light of the world is in us. Ajai 00:38:33 Amen. Tim 00:38:35 I am reminded of the children's, Sunday school song, This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. Mark And why don't it sing that for us to finish it up. Tim? Tim You know what? There are two things I should never do. Singing is very high on that list, <laugh>. But I, you know, it is, it's not me. I'm not the light of the world, but the but the, the saving grace of Jesus that comes through me, that is the light. And I, I am, enamored every day of being able to learn more of it and be able to share it. You know, I pray the Lord gives me strength to do that. Until my final breaths before we wrap completely tonight, I wouldn't like to turn everybody's attention to one new thing. The Unveiled Gospel has a new website. You can come find us at www.theunveiledgospel.com. That will be the home for this podcast, the Unveiling podcast. And, Mark and ij, I believe I've, I've to wrangled them into agreeing to write, a blog on there occasionally. So tune into those for more enlightenment, from the brands of two of the most, gifted individuals I know in the Grace Ministry today. So guys, thanks for another wonderful session. I look forward to the next one. Quick preview next week. We're gonna start the third part of this with, John 10:7. Look it up, find out what it is, and tune in the next time.

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