Episode 68

May 07, 2023


Episode 68 - Eternal Life

Episode 68 - Eternal Life
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 68 - Eternal Life

May 07 2023 | 00:38:28


Show Notes

What is eternal life and how do we get it ? Listen to this episode to find out!.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hi, and welcome to the unveiling. I'm Tim, one of the hosts, and along with Andrey and Mark, we are three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you're encouraged by this episode. Let's dive right in. Speaker 2 00:00:24 Hey, welcome everybody. Uh, this is the unveiling that you've tuned into and we're so glad to have you back with us today. Today we've got, uh, mark and aj, uh, talking about the topic of eternal life. Tim's not able to be with us, although in spirit he is today. So, uh, we'll look forward to next week with him being back. Uh, but today, uh, this topic of eternal life was AJ's idea and leading. So I'm gonna hand it off to him to take us away. Go for it, aj. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:00:56 So, uh, mark, you know, like as we are discussing, you know, what we need to talk about as Tim is not here. You know, we've been going through a series and I believe, you know, we put a topic on hold, but I thought, you know, why don't we, you know, just, uh, talk about, you know, Jesus our life. Right? You know, what is, what do we truly mean by eternal life? You know, in salvation, Jesus becomes everything to us. Right? You know, we do not actually, Jesus does not, you know, save us to go to a place, but he saved us to be united with himself, for him to come and live in us. And Jesus is our eternal home. So, and one of the things that, you know, our logic is Christed gives us when we are saved is his life. In fact, you know, he, I mean he gives us life. I think it's more than that. You know, he becomes our life. You know, that's the thought. You know, I wanted to kind of, uh, discuss today and draw our attention to some of the scriptures. So Mark and I want to start with this scripture and then, you know, we can, uh, Speaker 2 00:01:53 Can I interject one quick little thing that just kind came up on my head while you were talking? Yeah. With what you said is that a lot of people perceive Christianity, I think both believers in unbelievers, in that it's all about a ticket to heaven. I got my ticket to heaven. That's what eternal life is. Then it stops right there. But as we know, heaven's not the end of the gospel. Jesus himself is our end. He's heaven, he's eternal life. And if we stop short at just getting a ticket to heaven, it's like, uh, winning the lotto and just collect in the first $10. Speaker 3 00:02:32 That's a great fine mark. So yeah, I'm going to start with one John chapter five from verse nine. I'm going to read a few verses here. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater for this is a witness of God, which he testified of his son. He who believes in the Son of God, has a witness in himself. He who does not believe God has made him a liar because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of his son. I want to stop you real quick, right? So here it's talking about, hey, you know, you receive the witness of men, but here we have a greater witness. You know, God himself is witnessing about our Lord Jesus Christ. And then he is saying, you know, if you don't receive his witness, basically you're calling God a liar. Speaker 3 00:03:15 You know, in fact, the whole faith is about if you distill it don't right. You know, it's about not calling God a liar. If you don't believe God, you're calling him a liar. And if you believe God, you're calling him not a liar. You know, it's as simple as that. And then this is a witness that God gave off his son. It says in verse 11, and this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life and this life is in his son. He who has a son has life and he who does not have the son of God, does not have life. You know, it cannot become any simpler than that sometimes. You know, when Bible explains stuff, it explains in many ways, right, in a positive way and a negative way. Here we see this, right? If you believe God, you don't make him a liar. Speaker 3 00:03:59 If you don't believe God, you make him a liar. And then his testimony is God has given his eternal life and this life is in his son. That means outside of his son, there is no life. And then he who has a son has life, and he who does not have the son of God, does not have life. I think it's very important to understand that because we talk about life, always. We talk about eternal life. Most of us think, you know, okay, it is going to a place, but what God is saying is this life is in his son. So if you have son, you have life, otherwise you don't have life. Speaker 2 00:04:32 Yeah, that's, uh, I love the how cut and dry that is. You know, as I look back on the city, I think this is our 69th episode, isn't it? Yeah. As I look back on every one of those episode topics tonight, being eternal life, the answer is always the same. No matter what topic, it's Jesus. Yeah, that's it. He's the end. That's what makes Christianity differ than every other world religion where it's about works and believing certain creeds and believing in this person or that person who's the, was the leader of that religion. But this is all about Jesus. It's all God. Jesus is God. He is the sole focus. And no matter what topic we ever talk about, all roads lead back to him. Cuz he is the end of everything. We do everything we seek in this life. He is, he is heaven. Speaker 2 00:05:26 He's where we're trying to get to, even though we've already entered into him through faith, we desire more of 'em. And I think I've mentioned this before, but the Apostle Paul, when he prays and he prays a number of times through his epistles, but if you read every prayer, his chief, part of his prayer is always that we would know Christ better. In fact, he said about his own life, after listing a whole two paragraphs of all the qualifications and great things he accomplished in his life, he said, I consider him all loss, the rubbage rubbish in comparison to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. Christ is our life. He's our everything. And we can't say too much about him. We can't focus too much about him. That's why it's such, um, so just a heinous act to turn our eyes off of him, put him on ourself, put him on doing things and rules things to make us more self righteous. Speaker 2 00:06:29 It's just basically idle worship, you know? And I can't even stress that too strongly. And I love what you always say, Ajay, about the litmus test for when you go to visit a church. If during that message they're talking about Jesus, everything is pointed to him, you're in the right place. That's the gospel. But if it's about you and what you have to do, what you can do and what you'll get if you do this, get run, don't walk because it's not gonna be a good place for you. And you know, so I'll just leave it there. Speaker 3 00:07:04 Yeah, that is so true, mark. You know, in fact, one of the titles I had on my mind are the phrases, you know, Jesus on the sidelines. If you go to any church, you know, most of the churches, he's on the sidelines. He's not the central place. So, and it's all about, you know, what I have to do for God. And the focus is always on what we have to do or what we are not doing. Totally ignoring, you know, what the Lord has done for us. I quickly want to touch on, uh, and Mark you just said, right, you know, every of our episodes eventually knows about Jesus because I just wanted to give a few examples. Uh, we cannot really talk about the love of God, you know, without law Jesus Christ. You know, if you keep on, we keep on hearing, right? Speaker 3 00:07:43 Oh yeah, it's okay. It's enough to praise the love of God. I think maybe to a certain extent. But if you say, tell someone, Hey, God loves you. If he asks a question, how do I know that he loves me? Then the answer is across. Right? So he loved you. The proof is he loved you so much, he sent his only son to die on the cross. So that's how God loves you. Jesus is answer. If you take Jesus out of the equation, he will never be able to convince anyone of God's love. Because you can say, Hey, God loved you by giving you good health. You know what if that health goes away and even unbelievers have better health, God loved you giving you this nice car or lot of unbelievers, devil worshipers also have a nice car. So that's not the token of God's love, not the proof of God's love. Speaker 3 00:08:25 The proof of God's love is he loved you, he sent his son die for you. And the result of that work is a forgiveness of sin. You know? Yeah. He forgives us. And then the result of forgiveness of sin is life. He becomes our life. And, um, we can't talk about the acceptance before, without talking about logic, discretion because he took away all of sin. And the other word for op, uh, acceptance is righteousness. You know, righteousness means, you know, God cannot find any fault with us. If God can't find a fault with me, by default I'm accepted. So you cannot talk about acceptance without talking about the work of Lord Jesus Christed. And then you can't talk about righteousness without talking about the Lord Jesus Christed. And you just said, you know, you cannot talk about heaven without talking about Lord Jesus Christ. Because it says, you know, Bible says, you know, God saved us, you know, made us alive with Lord Jesus Christ and seated us in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. If you go to heaven and you Jesus is not there, it's not heaven at all. So everything again ties back to Lord Jesus Christed. Speaker 2 00:09:28 Yeah, that's awesome. And you know what, when you look at Paul's life and his teachings, that's the exact thing he was constantly focused on. And, and we've talked about it, but I love first Corinth, excuse me, first Corinthians too, because Paul tells us that he vowed to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified. And he said that when he came to preach, he didn't do it with e eloquence or human wisdom. In fact, he came with fear and trembling. But he said, when he preached and the message he preached came with a demonstration of the spirit's power. And he already told us at the beginning of that paragraph, the message he preached was Jesus Christ and him crucified. When we focus on that, that's where the Holy Spirit is. The power of the Spirit, the demonstration of the power of the Spirit is in the cross. It's in preaching that message, it's on focusing on Christ. He's everything. He's our healing. He's our protection, our provision, and our wisdom. And you know, you could just go on and on saying all of the things he is to us and He's our life which brings us back today, today's topic. Speaker 3 00:10:45 Yeah. In fact, you know, mark, you know the reason he tells us, I believe, to focus on Christ and him crucified, right? Because every answer to a life problem, like you said, he's on the cross. Right? You know, the basic need of every human being is forgiveness of sin. And he became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. Not only we get forgiveness of sin, we become the righteousness of God, and then even in this life, right? You know, we need healing. So know along with forgiveness, you know, Bible says, you know, he not only forgives all your sins, he heals all your diseases. Because the Bible says, you know, he took, he be, he took all sicknesses, he took our sorrow, and by his stripes we are healed. And then if you want joy and peace, right? You know, he took our sorrow and he took our anxiety, and then he gives us peace. Speaker 3 00:11:33 In fact, you know, there are many things, but you know, one thing I would say is that the cross is where the great exchange happened, right? He takes our death and it gives us his life. He takes our sorrow, he gives us his joy, he takes our anxiety, and it gives us his peace. He takes our sin and gives us his righteousness, and he takes our fear and gives us his strength. So it's like a, it's an awesome deal, right? And we get all of this for free. That is a great exchange. You know, many times, you know, people think you're there to do something, give something to God in return for what we get on the cross. No. We just give our filthy, sinful, miserable self, and then in exchange we get Christed himself. You know, you can't get a better bargain than that. Speaker 2 00:12:19 In very similar to forgiveness, that I think is one of the greatest human needs is acceptance. Yeah. In this world, when you think about we just do and do and do and try to do great things to get people to like us, to get people to think we're good, to think, we're smart, to think we're good looking, um, to accept us. But what is, when does God accept us and our absolute worst? Yeah. His love for us is so great that in the midst of that, in the midst of the worst things we've ever done while we were doing them, he sent Christ to give his life for us while we were at our worst. He gave his best. Speaker 3 00:13:00 In fact, in Romans, I'm reminded of that worst, right? So while we were still sin us, Christ died for us. It's not that, you know, we were behaving when we were still sinners, when we were enemies in our mind against God. You know, when we are bad mouthing God, he died for us. You know, in fact, on the cross, people were mocking him saying, Hey, if you're the son of God, why don't you come down? We'll believe in you, and then our Lord Jesus sin Father, forgive them because they.do not know what they're doing. So that is the kind of law, you know, Lord, uh, has for us. Speaker 2 00:13:34 What I, what I love about that aj, when when they say, Hey, if you're the son of God, why don't you come down? He could have said to them, because I'm the sound of God, I'm staying up here. Speaker 3 00:13:45 Yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 00:13:46 You know, that it's just exactly powerful and just the opposite of what they said. Yeah. He was proving he was the son of God by dying on that cross, on the resurrecting. Speaker 3 00:13:55 So Mark, if you're okay, I want to go to John chapter six quickly. Speaker 2 00:13:59 Well, whether or not I'm okay as a matter of opinion, but we'll move Speaker 3 00:14:03 On in way. Okay? So, uh, this is actually one of my favorite chapters. Uh, this is, you know, after the Lord Jesus feeds all the, I think it's the 5,000 or many hours, and then he goes to the other side and, uh, they all come searching for him. So they knew that, you know, he, he's a miracle worker, and then if you follow him, you get free, free food, right? So they're actually seeking him for earthly life. So when we all are born into this world, right, you know, we have this natural life and healthy earthly life, and then we need, um, food to sustain. So they all went, right. So in, uh, John chapter six was from verse 24. I did from verse 24, when the people therefore saw Jesus was not there, not the disciples, they also got into the boats and came to Ka seeking Jesus. Speaker 3 00:14:54 And when they found him on the other side of the sea, they said to him, rabbi, when did you come here? Jesus answered them and said, most a assuredly I say to you, you seek me not because you saw the signs, because you eat of the loaves and were filled. Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food which induce everlasting life, which the son of man will give you because the God the Father has his seal on him. And so here, I think you know what he's saying is don't seek for this earthly food that perishes right. And don't look seek for your earthly life, you know, that is going to die. Right? You know, it doesn't have the life that I want to give you. But he say, you know, seek the food that does not perish for the food which end endures to everlasting life, which the son of man is able to give you. And Mark, do you have anything before we move forward here? Speaker 2 00:15:45 Uh, just to say that, you know, when Jesus preached, he preached the king, repent for the kingdom of heaven is near and, um, everlasting life. And the kingdom of heaven are definitely tied together. But I just love that not only is is Jesus our life, Jesus is the kingdom of heaven. Speaker 3 00:16:08 Amen. Speaker 2 00:16:09 As you go through the Bible, especially the New Testament, anytime you see the term kingdom of life, a kingdom of of God, anytime you see the term life, anytime you see the term love, anytime you see the term grace, any, any of these things, you could just put Jesus' name right in there, interchange it with that word, and the meaning is identical because he is all those things. Speaker 3 00:16:35 That's an awesome point, mark. In fact, you know, the Jesus is the kingdom of heaven. Sometimes again, you know, we think when we say kingdom, we think terms of political kingdom. And we go into all this writer, Jesus is the king. I am, I am the king under him. And I rule people, cities, this, that, and all that. But you know, that might be true, but Jesus is the kingdom of God. And, uh, in fact in Romans it says, you know, the kingdom of heaven is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. So that is directly related to, you know, Jesus being our kingdom because of joy in the Holy Ghost is found only in being Christ. Speaker 2 00:17:14 Yeah. I, I like the point you made about we tend to see kingdom of God as the authority and rule of God. When the kingdom of God comes, boy, all those bad people are gonna be in trouble. And boy, you know, but that the kingdom of heaven is Jesus. And you know, revelation in the, in the pictures that are painted there through John's vision, there's no son in heaven because Christ is the light of heaven. And you had mentioned to me off the air that light and life are interchangeable throughout the book of John, that Jesus is our life and his life is the light of the world. The light of light of men, right? Something like that. Speaker 3 00:17:55 Yep. Yep. Yeah. In him was light and in him was life, and that life became the light of men. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:01 That's good stuff. Speaker 3 00:18:02 Yeah. Going back to John's six again, I just want to, uh, touch on a couple of more things. And he said, you know, don't seek the earthly food, but seek for the food that lasts forever or induced to ever lasting life and which the son of God will give you. And then they immediately, you know, they went in this mode of, you know, what shall we do that we may work the works of God. So their idea is, okay, what much should I do to earn this eternal life, right? This bread that gives us eternal life. And then this is one of the, um, I don't know what is the right term to use, but the quintessential statements of Jesus. And Jesus answered and said to them, this is a work of God that you believe in him whom he sined again. You know, when you believing in Christ, actually you receive him, right? Speaker 3 00:18:49 He further expo on this, you know, you eat of me and you drink of me, right? So I am the bread from heaven. So you actually receive Christ himself as our bread. And then that bread gives us eternal life. And then in verse 30, it says, therefore they said unto him again, they're saying, you know, they're just not stuck on this. Right. You know, what sign will you perform then that we may see and believe you, what work will you do? What Father said, man in the desert as it is written, he gave them bread from heaven to eat. It's kind of, you know, interesting to me, right? He just fed them all the 4,000 or 5,000, however many ever, and they followed him for food. And then he told him, no, believe this you by believing in me, you know, you, you will receive this eternal life. Speaker 3 00:19:35 And they're saying, you know, what? Sign will you perform. And again, they're also hinting here, Hey, Moses gave us bread from heaven. Can you also do the same thing? <laugh>? They're basically saying, you know, can you do the same miracle again so that you know we'll believe in you? So their minds are still set on this earthly foot and earthly life. But Jesus again brings them back to, Hey, you know, I'm not talking about this earthly foot. I'm talking about heavenly food. And then he says in verse 32, then Jesus said to them, most assure I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but my father gives you the true bread from heaven. The bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. Then it says, then they said to him, Lord, give us this bread always. And then he goes on to say, I'm the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst. Uh, and then this whole chapter is about, you know, hey, you know, I'm the bread of life. Whatever bread that Moses gave, right? People laid off Moses bread from heaven, the man, and they still died. But the bread that I give you shall never die because the bread he gives us is not a midlife. Speaker 2 00:20:45 And I, I love how the focus of what we're talking about tonight, it keeps pulling us right back to Jesus. Every scripture pulls us right back to him. And I love hearing in John 11, most of us have have heard the story of Lazarus friend, a friend of Jesus who died in Jesus went. And as he went, Lazarus died. And as he came close to where Lazarus lived, his sisters ran out and told him that Lazarus had had died. And Jesus said to them, he will rise again. And I believe it was Mary took it in a super spiritual way and said, well, yes, I know on the last day at the resurrection, he will, he will rise. And Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even though they die. And whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Speaker 2 00:21:43 Do you believe this? He said to them, what I love about that is she's like saying, oh yeah, at the very last day, whenever that comes in, a hundred years, a thousand years, 10,000 years, yes, we know we're going to rise. And he said, wait a minute. You don't have to wait till that. I am the life and I am the resurrection. I am here now. And I think that same thing is true for us. We're not just spending time on earth here waiting until we get to heaven. We've already entered into that in Christ. We have that here now. We have life in heaven. We have life in life abundantly. Uh, Jesus says, enter into life today. Our eternal life starts the moment we put our faith in Christ. And we don't have to wait as though it is some ticket at a later date to heaven. Heaven's right here. Now, the kingdom of heaven is near and is in us. Once we put our faith, we've got the spirit of Christ in us. We can experience him now, experience that life now in all areas of our life. Speaker 3 00:22:46 Yeah, that is so true. Mark. Uh, I'm looking at John chapter five, verse 24, like you said, I know we have the present life. We are not talking about the future life. Those who have Jesus already have life. And uh, in fact, uh, in verse 24, it says, most assure I say to you, he who hears my word and believes in him, who sent me has everlasting life. It's not, will be raised someday, will get everlasting life. And it's, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. So for us, the judgment is over and we pass from death to life by believing in our Lord Jesus Christ. I think you know here, it's very interesting to me, right? In life, having life is connected with being shall not come into judgment. Because if you think about it, right? If in the Old Testament, the whole point of the law is they say no. Speaker 3 00:23:38 If you keep all the commandments of the law right, you will have life. You know, in fact, in, uh, Romans chapter 10, verse five, for Moses rights over the righteousness of the law, the man who does those things shall live by them. So the whole point of the law is, you know, if you keep the law, you know, people are not striving to keep the law just to become righteous. Their end goal is life. So if you keep the law and you become righteous based on the law, it'll be rewarded life. And if you don't keep the law right, if you come short of the law, then you'll be rewarded. Death. It says the wages of sin, death, right? So there is a judgment there. You are judged by the law. And if you kept it, you get life. And if you don't keep it, you get death. Speaker 3 00:24:26 But what happened is, you know, according to the law, we all died, right? We, if you're judged by the law, no one can get life. But now, when we believed in Lord Jesus Christ, right? What happens is Lord Jesus took our sin upon him, our judgment upon him, and our death upon him. And then he finished death on the cross. You know, cross is a death of death. And then the only thing left for us is resurrection life, because he took away all since, you know, God raised him from the dead. And now we have his life. That means, you know, we have come out of judgment, out of the judgment where we were judged, and death was the result of our death. And that judgment lodges, Christ took it. So there's no judgment for us. You know, once we have life, we have come to the other side of the death, and then we will never go back. Speaker 3 00:25:12 And this whole judgment is about if you, even on the last day, you see in Revelation chapter 20, people were judged, the books were opened. Everyone is judged based on their works. And whosoever name is not written in the book of life. They were cashed into hell. And along with them, death and Hades are also cashed into hell. So on the final day, there are two things, right? Either you attain eternal life, which is Lord Jesus Christ, or you're completely separated from Christ in your cashew to this hell. And with the death, you eternally you remain dead or you go under death. So the point is, if you already have life, there is no judgment for you because the whole point of judgment is to give you life Speaker 2 00:25:58 With stuff. So let me, uh, I want to just, these, these aren't actually taking us in a different direction, but they're just a little more scriptural undergirding here for people that that want that. Uh, John one three referring to Jesus, the word of God. John says, through him all things were made without him, nothing was made. That has been made in him was life. And that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. And I also wanted to read John 14, I think a lot of people know this one, but this is just a great one. It's another one again, where people start to talk about life and what comes after this life as this distant thing. And Jesus immediately turns it right back to himself here and now I'm here and now. Speaker 2 00:26:52 And so John 14, one says, do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. My father's house has many rooms. If that were not so, would I have told you that I'm going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me. That you also may be where I am. You know, the way to the place where I'm going, Thomas said to him, Lord, we don't know where you're going. So how can we know the way Jesus answered? I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. I just love the way Jesus was always great at cutting right to the heart of every issue. You know, not getting sidetracked and going on tangents as I feel like you, me and Tim do a lot <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:27:49 But um, just brought it right. And the other thing that just jumped out is at me here when he said that he's going to prepare a place for us, okay? And he said, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me. That you also may be where I am. Up until this very moment here, I've always thought of that as Jesus saying that when we die or when he comes again, he's going to take us to heaven to that place. But I just realized this is John 14, where Jesus teaches us that once he leaves, he's going to send the Holy Spirit. It's the whole, those two chapters are all about the sending of the Holy Spirit. And he said, I will not leave you as an orphan. I will come to you. Speaker 2 00:28:37 So when Jesus says, and if I go or prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me. He doesn't mean in 30 or 40 years when you die, he means when you put your faith in him, he's taking us to be with him. He where, where he is, and he's where we are. It's our union with him. We're not waiting to heaven to get to that special place. He's prepared for us. He is that special place that he's prepared for us. And we have him in the herein now through his spirit. So I just really jumped out at me cuz I've always seen that as a after I die kind of thing. Well, there's a mansion up there waiting for me. Well, really, he is our mansion. He is our home. Speaker 3 00:29:17 Hey. Amen. That's an awesome point in fact, efficiency, right? You know, uh, talking about our salvation, efficiency chapter two verse five, even when we were back to of fine mark, you know, uh, even when we were dead in trespasses, God made us alive together with Christ and raised us up together and made us sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. So back to your point, right? You know, when you, we are born again, we are made alive with Christ and we are seated in heavenly places with him. And of course, one day we'll get new bodies and we'll also be physically present with him. But right now the Bible says, you know, we are already seated in heavenly places and that heavenly place is Christ himself. Speaker 2 00:29:57 Yeah. I love the past tense of that. Yeah. That, you know, even at our worst in the midst of our sin, we've been made alive with Christ. We've already been made alive. We already have eternal life because he is our eternal life. And he's in us and we're in him. But we don't always understand that, or we always at least don't understand it to the degree that it's true. And in that understanding is just a miraculous world of joy and peace and strength and the spirit. And that's really what the unveiling is about. That's what we're trying to unveil the truth, who Jesus is and, and all that he is to us. Um, because too many of us are in the outer courts, even though we've already been given access to the most inner place, the Holy of Holies, where we are encouraged to go with confidence, you know, and boldness into there we're already there. And like our old pastor used to say, most Christians keep trying to get into a room that they're already in. We're already in eternal life. Yep. Yep. I just pray that all of us would understand that. And, and as I said, Paul prays for God to give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation, whose job it is for to help us to know God better, to know Christ, to know the spirit, to know all that is in him, and all of him that is in us. Speaker 3 00:31:29 Uh, so yeah, uh, mark, I just want to, you know, uh, just, uh, talk about one other, uh, little thought and you know, maybe, you know, we can wrap it. So when we talk about eternal life, when we talk about everlasting life, you know, people think, you know, we have this, especially we have this, people who don't have Christ, those are born into this world naturally, right? They think, you know, everlasting life is like continuing this life forever, right? The current life that we have. But to be honest, man, I don't know about you, but, um, I'll get sick and tired of this life if I have to continue like this for eternity, right? With all the problems we have, sadness, depression, sin, sickness, and you know, the meanness. This is not, and not having the ability to love. I think the worst problem with mankind right now is self-centeredness. Speaker 3 00:32:17 We cannot really simply love others. It's always about us. And it's not a great way to live for eternity, always worried about yourself. So that's the human life, that's life that we received from Adam. But when Lord says eternal life, you know, he's talking about the life of Lord Jesus Christ. You know, like you said, you know, John one, John chapter one, I don't know if you already read that, uh, mark, but, uh, you can repeat it. It says, Jesus is eternal life. So we are talking about this, uh, new kind of life, for lack of better words, you know, not the existing life that is so miserable because, uh, darker it gets the worse it becomes. You know, if you actually, I think right now because of God's grace, we are not seeing the entire ery of what our life could be. But once the Holy Spirit is remove from this world, and there is no limit to how low and how miserable this current life can get, you know, this depression and all kinds of, you know, dark thoughts, evil thoughts. Speaker 3 00:33:13 There's no limit to that. To how dark you can this life can get. You know, it's like you can see death in all its glory. But you know, that's not the eternal life or everlasting life God gave us. You know, God gave Jesus so that we can have this new life. In fact, you know, John chapter 10 10, it's easy to remember. It says that thief does not come except to steal and kill and to destroy. I have come that you may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. So Lord Christ came to give us this life, this abundant life that is a different life. You know, we actually exchange our human life for the life of Christ that is totally different, right? Life, full of love, life full of righteousness, life full of joy, peace. And, uh, there is no limit to the, uh, excitement in that life. Speaker 3 00:34:03 In fact, I don't even think we'll get, we'll never get bored. I can say, you know, by God, Christ. So that is a kind of life. And then we'll have this resurrected bodies that will never fall sick and they're never afraid of heights or whatnot, and never, and we have the souls that are never jealous. They're never self-seeking. You're always full of love. So that is a kind of life that our Lord is Christ as. So we all will be like Lord Jesus. Right? You know, he already showed us, you know what his kind of life is. He laid down his life for us, for a sinner. He laid down his life and he said, it is his joy for the joy set before him. He endured the cross. So that kind of life, you know, we get, and that life we only have by being in Christ Jesus, right? By sharing his life, God actually gives us a privilege of sharing the life of his son by closed union and fellowship with him. What a, what a privilege. Speaker 2 00:34:58 I you Lord. Thank you. So since I am taking, uh, kind of Tim's filling his shoes here as the moderator, I'm also gonna fill his shoes at the guy who worries about how long we go <laugh> <laugh>. And I think we're gonna wrap it up here. And I'm gonna ask you, AJ and I'll give one our, our concluding remarks, our summary of everything we've talked to talked about today. Speaker 3 00:35:20 Yeah, yeah. So I just want to summarize the gospel. The Bible says, in sin and fallen short of the glory of God and the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. So we all died because of our sins. And then Lord Jesus Christ took us in on the cross and he takes our death. And in exchange he gives us a resurrection life. You know, the life we get is not the human life, of course, you know, Jesus life was incorruptible, but the life we get is a resurrection life. The life that brought Jesus out of the grave, that life we have. So I would say, you know, like you have been saying that, you know, I pray the same prayer for all of us. You know, that we may know Christ, the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings. And in efficient chapter one, the prayer is that, you know, he prays that we may know the power of his resurrection. So I pray that, you know, we all live in his resurrection power more and more. Speaker 2 00:36:19 I agree on that prayer. I would say that no matter what the question is in our lives, the answer is Jesus, no matter what the problem, the answer is Jesus. Jesus is eternal life. Jesus is heaven. The absence of Jesus is hell. And that's why I believe what you just said. As this world departs from God in this country, he has been pulling, you know, back away from God. It just gets more and more like hell. We're going to keep reaching new depths of darkness, new depths of just destruction. And so I just say to everybody out there, turn to Jesus. He is our eternal life. He's our light, he's heaven, he's everything. Our hearts have every yearned for in one person, whether we know it or not. Speaker 3 00:37:09 Amen. Speaker 2 00:37:09 So we'd like to thank you for being with us today on the unveiling and as always, we just wanna encourage you. Don't take our word for it, get into scripture. It's just a wonderful treasure, a window into Christ and a window into you. And, and find out for yourself whether the things we are saying are true. So have a great week everybody, and we'll see you next, uh, next Sunday. Speaker 1 00:37:38 Tim, again, thanks for listening today. We hope you were blessed by today's message. If so, we encourage you to subscribe and share our podcast with your friends and family. Our entire catalog of episodes can be found on our website at www.theunveiledgospel.com. Or you can listen and subscribe on most popular podcast apps. If you have any feedback or questions, you can send us an email to the unveiled gospel yahoo.com. You can reach out to us on our Facebook page, the Unveiling Podcast, or you can leave a question or comment on our listener line at 3 5 2 3 9 8 0 0 8 9. Maybe you'll hear yourself on a future episode. That's it for today. As always, God bless and we will talk to you the next time.

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